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ForumsCog Forum → Need help with work on Triscuit's Build 2 pack
Need help with work on Triscuit's Build 2 pack
2000-09-25, 2:33 PM #1
I want to make Triscuit's cogs compatible with the other JK levels, anyone wanna help? Triscuit said all I had to do was change the templates, yadda yadda yadda...
2000-09-25, 2:38 PM #2
"Hacks" are not permitted. Just about everyone here hates them, and you will not get any help.
2000-09-25, 5:49 PM #3
Tozzar you are being unreasonable and think headed. Hacks are fine, and are permited. What if someone hacks hack games, but not non-hack ones? [Like me] What do you have to say then? Percesuting him is like persecuting you for using mods or playing NF games. Hack games are just another type of JK game, and Lucas Arts made it pretty easy to hack did'nt they?

Gandalf: Huh? What are you talking about?

[This message has been edited by Val_Langley (edited September 25, 2000).]
The irreverant crapsayer strikes again!

"Only when you have stopped trying have you been defeated. Because you were defeated by yourself."

"Your life has no limitations, and can break all boundaries. Except that of those in your own mind." -Val Langley

"Hurts, doesn't it? It would have been a lot less painfull if you had just faced your fears" -Piccolo Jr.
2000-09-27, 2:16 AM #4
i think he wants his hack pack to work with JK levels other than default ones.. but I am not sure.
2000-09-28, 12:12 PM #5
Even hacks are not banned generally, many people don't like it and this place isn't for talking and creating hacks. Watch, watch.

------------------ - Millennium

[This message has been edited by Hideki (edited September 28, 2000).]
2000-09-29, 8:14 AM #6
2000-10-01, 3:47 PM #7
Why dont you just tell him how to do it but put in something that would make the cog cause checksum? Then it couldnt be used in a game unless everyone had the cog. Also, just thought I would say something on the defence of hackers out there seeing as how I am one of them. Dont say hacks are bad because they ruin games, because alot of people like to play in hack games (like myself) so they can test thier coging ability against others. Tis sadly true there are some durtards out there that will hack non hack games, but those arnt the ones that make thier own cogs for the most part. Seeing as how that was probably just random babbeling disregard it or not as you see fit.

It is better to remain quiet and be thought the fool, rather then to speak, and remove all doubt.
2000-10-01, 3:50 PM #8
Well Hideki I was under the impression that this place IS for talking.

[This message has been edited by Val_Langley (edited October 01, 2000).]
The irreverant crapsayer strikes again!

"Only when you have stopped trying have you been defeated. Because you were defeated by yourself."

"Your life has no limitations, and can break all boundaries. Except that of those in your own mind." -Val Langley

"Hurts, doesn't it? It would have been a lot less painfull if you had just faced your fears" -Piccolo Jr.
2000-10-01, 3:56 PM #9
Yes, forum is for talking, debating etc.
But, if you want to develop hacks, this isn't the place. You're talking like where to get a virus, those kind of stuff, these information can be read by anyone who visits, that includes people who attempt to use those hacking cogs where they want, giving possibility to make some people unhappy within their fun JK games, so that's why I'm telling.

Mod cogs, go ahead, discuss. Hacks, warez, etc. Not here.

------------------ - Millennium

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