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ForumsCog Forum → force powers
force powers
2000-09-29, 2:38 PM #1
how do i make is so that i can toggle force powers on and off, i.e. force speed or force absorb and all the other ones that require i while til they turn off.

and how do you make it so that you can take out mutipul targets at once with a reticul power like push or pull in JK. like chain lightning on MOTS

2000-09-30, 2:40 PM #2
I don't know how, exactly, but the way the people programmed Chain Lightning is that they got all actors and player in your target's LOS and made the victim fire lightning at victim #2, and then made victim#2 fire lightning at victim #3, and then made victim#3 fire lightning at victim #4, et cetera.


The way it REALLY happened...
*Stormtrooper talking to Luke and Obi-wan in Mos Eisly* "Go on, old man, don't worry about using Force mind tricks on me, everybody playing JK knows what lousy shots us stormies are..."

The way it REALLY happened...
*Stormtrooper talking to Luke and Obi-wan in Mos Eisly* "Go on, old man, don't worry about using Force mind tricks on me, everybody playing JK knows what lousy shots us stormies are..."
2000-10-03, 1:20 PM #3
ok, any one else, who can help me on the other subject

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