I need this for my level.
There is 4 glass surface, and if you break any one of the 4 the other 3 will break. The 4 sector will be pumged into valcum. and you will be blowd out of the window in. You will randomly choice from 4 vector to blow the player out the window. When one glass breaks the 4 blast door will slam shut.
The cog will randomly choice one of these vector to blow the player out.
4 glass window
4 sector
4 door
4 vector to choice
"For I have been to the very end of time and back." - Pavel Mirsky in Eternity
I hate dialup, what I wouldn't do for DSL...
*phoneline disconnects*
I command you to visit YOUR Grand Admiral's Web Site
There is 4 glass surface, and if you break any one of the 4 the other 3 will break. The 4 sector will be pumged into valcum. and you will be blowd out of the window in. You will randomly choice from 4 vector to blow the player out the window. When one glass breaks the 4 blast door will slam shut.
< > \ / \ <> / \ / \ / / \ <> <> | | <--- | | ----> <>----<>
The cog will randomly choice one of these vector to blow the player out.
4 glass window
4 sector
4 door
4 vector to choice
"For I have been to the very end of time and back." - Pavel Mirsky in Eternity
I hate dialup, what I wouldn't do for DSL...
*phoneline disconnects*
I command you to visit YOUR Grand Admiral's Web Site
Echoman: If I can create energy from stupidity, the world's power supply will never end...