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ForumsCog Forum → Enemy Generat and sync cogs
Enemy Generat and sync cogs
2000-10-31, 12:00 PM #1
I need instructions on how to use the enemy generator cog that you can download from massassi mp cogs section. the enemy_tpl paremeter what do i put there? what type of enemy i want? also do i have to have the cog file of the enemy i want? also the max_alive param. what do i put there? how long i want the enemy to live for?

The sync cogs you ddownload from massassi mp cog section which ones do i use and what do all the params mean?

I would apprecita if you could help me with these questions.

thanks for your time!
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When I left, I was but the learner. Now I am the master."-Darth Vader
When I left, I was but the learner. Now I am the master."-Darth Vader

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