I'm trying to make a cutscene and I wrote this cog but it doesn't work and I don't know whats goin wrong.
If you guys could point out to me what I'm doin wrong I would appreciate it.
If you guys could point out to me what I'm doin wrong I would appreciate it.
symbols message startup thing cam thing pirate thing pirate2 end #======================================================== code startup: player = GetLocalPlayerThing(); SetActorFlags(player, 0xa00000); StopThing(player); jkBeginCutscene(); SetCurrentCamera(0); Sleep(1.0); Print("Pirate2: Did you lock the cargo door?"); sleep(3.0); Print("Pirate1: I'm not sure."); sleep(3.0); Print("Pirate2: Well you should double check to make sure.") sleep(3.0); Print("Pirate1: Ok i'm on it."); jkEndCutscene(); SetCameraFocus(0, Player); ClearActorFlags(Player, 0xa00000); end
"It's best to keep your mouth shut and look like an idiot than to open it and prove it"
- Robert Fletcher
- Robert Fletcher