Sure. Both of you guys are certainly welcome to write as many tutorials as you want.. Write them up and email them to me at They don't necessarily have to be HTMLed, you can just use notepad and save as .txt.
The one I have pretty much finished (and HTMLed) right now is at - it just needs a few changes and a little clearer explanation of things.
Yes, I'm planning on taking a lot of LEC cogs and disecting them line by line. The key to cogging is understanding how things work, then you can apply it to what you need to do. I'm sorry it's taking so long, I'm in the middle of several things, but this is my top priority, and I hope it will be worth the wait.
Raynar, lordvader:
If you have any suggestions you can email them to me or put them on here. The basic tutorials I'm thinking about doing (currently) are:
1) Basic Cog
2) Basic Cog II: Modifying cogs
3) Basic Cog III: Creating your own cogs
4) Understanding if/else
5) Weapon Cogs (broken down into disections of all the weapon cogs)
6) Force-Power Cogs (broken down into disections of all the fp cogs)
7) Level Cogs (broken down into disections of some basic/intermediate level cogs and basic rules/tips for making these)
8) Understanding SendTrigger() and the importance of C/S cogs
The first tutorial I have up is kind of short, I'm planning on having the other ones much longer, but still pretty easy to understand. Feel free to bounce ideas, comments, criticisms, etc.