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ForumsCog Forum → I can't fix my camera cog!
I can't fix my camera cog!
2000-12-06, 8:32 AM #1
Ok, before i tell you what's wrong i wanna tell you that i know some things are missing. like the stopsound(music, 1.0); thing and all that. BUT IT MESSES UP BEFORE IT EVEN GETS THERE! It goes to 'camera1', but DOESN'T play the sound, it sleeps for a few seconds, then it plays 'music', but the camera DOESN'T CHANGE! then, after the 20 sec delay, the health and ammo things come back on screen, BUT CAMERA DOESN'T CHANGE AGIAN! if u hit F1, it will take u to external view of kyle, but when u hit F1 agian to go to 1st person view it takes u back to 'camera1'! WTF! i can't figure it out. i've tried so many things, somebody plz help me!
# Jedi Knight Cog Script
# kwdream.cog
# Camera/sound sequence for the dream in the begining of Kell's Water Ch. 1
# [SM SIth Lord]
# This cog is not made or distributed by LucasArts Entertainment Co.


message      startup
message      activated

surface      betaswitch 

thing        dcamera1
thing        dcamera2
thing        dcamera3

sound		introsound=-1
sound		music=-1


# ========================================================================================


	player = GetLocalPlayerThing();


	SetActorFlags(player, 0xa00000);
	AddDynamicTint(player, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	SetCameraFocus(0, dcamera1);
	PlaySoundThing(introsound, player, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x80);

	SecCameraFocus(0, dcamera2);
	PlaySoundThing(music, player, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x81);

	SecCameraFocus(0, dcamera3);

	ClearActorFlags(player, 0xa00000);
	SecCameraFocus(0, player);


2000-12-06, 11:42 AM #2
[] Simple! You did a mistake declaring the sound to use.

sound sound=soundtoplay.wav
or did you put what wav you wanted in JED?

Keith: "Perhaps there was an age in which people had Knowledge of Magic..."

[This message has been edited by Keith8_8000 (edited December 06, 2000).]
Keith: "Perhaps there was an age in which people had Knowledge of Magic..."
JK cogs
2000-12-06, 1:08 PM #3
no, i found out wut problem was, i misspelled SET, i put SEC, hehe. o well, thanks anyway.

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