Howdy.. Just wondering if anyone can help with a cog I'm having problems with.. I'm trying to set up JK so that when it loads my level, it will check the model you've chosen and give it a team number if that 3do was listed in the cog.. I'd like JK to do this within the master cog as the idea of something like the Baron's hed RPG bothers me for many reasons.. I was able to get JK to at least get JK to list the teams (Without having to select "team-play") but it still wont actualy change the team (Btw, team 2 is the team I'm trying to change characters to) If no one can help me.. It's ok, I have a work-around. Thanks all.
-Jedi Knight and trainer of the greatest mass-murderer that other galaxy has ever known.
-Jedi Knight and trainer of the greatest mass-murderer that other galaxy has ever known.