Well, if you aren't familiar with the TPMTC, 00Mikey gave us permission to use Jedi Ball in the TPMTC.
The problem is Jedi Ball was JK, TPMTC is MotS.
The MotS engine doesn't like the host changing skins...
The patch for the TPMTC fixed this, but we can't seem to get it fixed for Jedi Ball. Here's the cog that's causing the problem, Freddub tried to fix it once.
Originally the host wouldn't change at all, but everyone else would. Now the host can change, but everyone randomly changes skins for no apparent reason in the level.
Any help would be appreciated!
[Too much scrolling - Hideki]
[This message has been edited by Hideki (edited December 11, 2000).]
The problem is Jedi Ball was JK, TPMTC is MotS.
The MotS engine doesn't like the host changing skins...
The patch for the TPMTC fixed this, but we can't seem to get it fixed for Jedi Ball. Here's the cog that's causing the problem, Freddub tried to fix it once.
Originally the host wouldn't change at all, but everyone else would. Now the host can change, but everyone randomly changes skins for no apparent reason in the level.
Any help would be appreciated!
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # # Jball_main.COG (c) 1998 Mike Robert [00Mikey] # # Rules : # ----- # To move the J-Ball (however it is possible) into your opponents' goal. # The catch: kicking the ball ain't gonna work, plus you don't score points, you make the other # team lose them! This, in my opinion, promotes more teamwork, as you must concentrate on defense # as well as offence! The new force powers also add another level of play to the game as each one # ties in with Jedi-Ball effectively. # # Started: July 20, 1998. # Finished: Version 1: October 98 # Version 2: # # Version History # # 0.1 Examined ctf_main.cog and others [Infiltrate!!! YEAH!!] for the best possible way to create JediBall # 0.3 Scoring system and basic team controls implemented, this is starting to take shape! # 0.4 Force powers implemented. (some) # 0.6 Score Limit refined # 0.65 Multiple Goals added # 0.7 Various Bugs fixed # # This COG is not reserved by Lucasarts, nor does Lucasarts support JediBall or it's modifications. :-( # symbols thing jball desc=JBall thing startball1 desc=startball1 thing startball2 desc=startball2 sector red_goal desc=RGoalSect sector red_goal1 desc=RGoalSect1 sector red_goal2 desc=RGoalSect2 sector red_goal3 desc=RGoalSect3 sector gold_goal desc=GGoalSect sector gold_goal1 desc=GGoalSect1 sector gold_goal2 desc=GGoalSect2 sector gold_goal3 desc=GGoalSect3 sector start_room desc=start_room sector mark_red desc=mark_red_team sector mark_gold desc=mark_gold_team cog score_display_cog desc=score_cog thing red_start nolink,desc=red_start thing red_start1 nolink,desc=red_start1 thing red_start2 nolink,desc=red_start2 thing red_start3 nolink,desc=red_start3 thing red_start4 nolink,desc=red_start4 thing red_start5 nolink,desc=red_start5 thing red_start6 nolink,desc=red_start6 thing red_start7 nolink,desc=red_start7 thing gold_start nolink,desc=gold_start thing gold_start1 nolink,desc=gold_start1 thing gold_start2 nolink,desc=gold_start2 thing gold_start3 nolink,desc=gold_start3 thing gold_start4 nolink,desc=gold_start4 thing gold_start5 nolink,desc=gold_start5 thing gold_start6 nolink,desc=gold_start6 thing gold_start7 nolink,desc=gold_start7 int goal_score=-10 local int captured_red=0 local int captured_gold=0 local int verbose=3 local int time_limit=0 local int score_limit=0 local int level_started=0 local int level_ended=0 local int player local int leaveplayer=0 local int killer local int senderRef=0 local int sourceRef=0 local flex teleball local int lock_touch=0 local int play_sounds=1 local int anim local int dummy local int teleport_red=0 local int teleport_gold=0 local int ctf_score_red=100 local int ctf_score_gold=100 local int ctf_suicide=-2 local int ctf_callback=-1 local int ctf_keys=0 local template teleport_particles=+telesparks local sound teleportsnd=ForceThrow01.WAV local sound leadsnd=I00an06z.wav local sound leadsnd2=I00an07z.wav local sound winsnd=I00an03z.wav local sound winsnd2=I00an05z.wav local sound alarmsnd=00AlarmLoop01.WAV local sound successsnd=Accomplish1.WAV model neutral_mdl=theedb.3do local model red_mdl=theedr.3do local model gold_mdl=kyU0.3do local material rtip_mat=saberred0.mat local material rside_mat=saberred1.mat local material gtip_mat=saberyellow0.mat local material gside_mat=saberyellow1.mat local template tpl_wall=+ssparks_wall local template tpl_blood=+ssparks_blood local template tpl_saber=+ssparks_saber local int numplayers local int tmp_score_changed local int ban_red=-1 local int ban_gold=-1 local int msgbase=1000 local int modelfix local message startup message activated message touched message entered message shutdown message timer message killed message leave message join message pulse message user0 message user1 message user2 # Triggers # # 1001 - ICONS # 1002 - SCORE # 1003 - KEYS # # 10001 - BREAKINGGLASS (C2) # 10001 - LEVELSIZE (C3) end # ======================================================================================== code startup: // Debug level verbose = 2; if(verbose > 2) Print("CTF Startup Evt"); player = GetLocalPlayerThing(); // SERVER ONLY startup: if(IsServer() | | !IsMulti()) { // Team mode (1) // No damage to teammates (2) // CTF computes its own score (4) // No custom costumes (20) SetMultiModeFlags(0x27); // Auto assign teams (100) // This also disallow the command to change teams ClearMultiModeFlags(0x100); // Initialize Time limit if(GetMultiModeFlags() & 0x8) { time_limit = GetTimeLimit(); ClearMultiModeFlags(0x8); } // Initialize Score limit if(GetMultiModeFlags() & 0x10) { score_limit = GetScoreLimit(); if(score_limit > 999) score_limit = 0; ctf_score_gold = score_limit; ctf_score_red = score_limit; ClearMultiModeFlags(0x10); } // Sets the score panels (out of startupSetTimerEx(0.5, 9980, 0, 0); captured_gold = 0; captured_red = 0; // dummy = SendMessageEx(score_display_cog, User0, ctf_score_red, ctf_score_gold, 0.0, 0.0); // Send a TRIGGER_SCORE with its parameters SendTrigger(-1, 1002, ctf_score_red, ctf_score_gold, 0, 0); // Send the Welcome information to the server player SetTimerEx(2, 9996, player, 0); // ensure that the score is displayed once in a while even if noone scores... KillTimerEx(9997); SetTimerEx(90, 9997, 0, 0); // Because team mode might have assigned the server player to team 1 SetPlayerTeam(player, 0); // Start flags positions synching SetPulse(0.05); } // Set the Master COG SetMasterCOG(GetSelfCOG()); // CTF Score SetPlayerTeam(player, 0); SetPlayerScore(player, 0); Return; # ........................................................................................ pulse: if (modelfix == 2) SetThingModel(player, gold_mdl); if (modelfix == 1) SetThingModel(player, red_mdl); SyncThingPos(jball); if(GetThingSector(jball)==red_goal | | GetThingSector(jball)==red_goal1 | | GetThingSector(jball)==red_goal2 | | GetThingSector(jball)==red_goal3) { //Print RED team Defense thwarted! JKStringClear(); jkStringConcatUNIString(msgbase + 12); jkStringOutput(-3, -1); ctf_score_red = ctf_score_red + goal_score; if(ctf_score_red<1) { level_ended = 1; call show_score; call end_level; } SetTeamScore(1,ctf_score_red); call score_goal_event; sleep(1); call show_score; } //What happens when the RED Team scores. if(GetThingSector(jball)==gold_goal | | GetThingSector(jball)==gold_goal1 | | GetThingSector(jball)==gold_goal2 | | GetThingSector(jball)==gold_goal3) { //Print GOLD team Defense thwarted! JKStringClear(); jkStringConcatUNIString(msgbase + 22); jkStringOutput(-3, -1); ctf_score_gold = ctf_score_gold + goal_score; if(ctf_score_gold<1) { level_ended = 1; call show_score; call end_level; } SetTeamScore(2,ctf_score_gold); call score_goal_event; sleep(1); call show_score; } Return; # ........................................................................................ join: if(verbose > 2) Print("CTF Join Evt"); player = GetSenderRef(); SetPlayerTeam(player, 0); SetPlayerScore(player, 0); // Send the Welcome information, but delay it by 2 seconds SetTimerEx(2, 9996, player, 0); // Send a TRIGGER_SCORE with its parameters SendTrigger(player, 1002, ctf_score_red, ctf_score_gold, 0, 0); Return; # ........................................................................................ leave: if(verbose > 2) Print("CTF Leave Evt"); leaveplayer = GetSenderRef(); // Give the player a neutral costume SetThingModel(leaveplayer, neutral_mdl); Return; # ........................................................................................ entered: if(verbose > 2) Print("CTF Entered Evt"); // Exit if entered: was sent by anything else than a sector if(GetSenderType() != 5) Return; player = GetSourceRef(); senderRef = GetSenderRef(); // CTF must have permanent access to the players' events !!! CaptureThing(player); // These are the Team selection sectors // The player is marked with the correct color, then teleported into the game // on the next start point of his color (i.e. cycling through the start points). if(senderRef == mark_red) { if(verbose > 2) Print("Player marked Red"); SetPlayerTeam(player, 1); SetPlayerScore(player, 0); SetPlayerKills(player, 0); SetPlayerKilled(player, 0); SetPlayerSuicides(player, 0); // Give the player a red costume modelfix = 1; // Give the player a red lightsaber // First make sure he's got a saber SetInv(player, 10, 1); // We change the blade color jkSetSaberInfo(player, rside_mat, rtip_mat, 0.003, 0.001, 0.100, tpl_wall, tpl_blood, tpl_saber); AddDynamicTint(player, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); teleport_red = (teleport_red + 1) % 8; StopThing(player); TeleportThing(player, red_start[teleport_red]); dummy = CreateThingAtPos(teleport_particles, GetThingSector(player), GetThingPos(player), '0 0 0'); if(play_sounds) dummy = PlaySoundThing(teleportsnd, player, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x80); // Callback #03 : New Red Player was marked if(ctf_callback != -1) dummy = SendMessageEx(ctf_callback, user0, 3, player, ctf_score_red, ctf_score_gold); if((level_started == 0) && (time_limit > 0)) SetTimerEx(time_limit * 60, 9998, 0, 0); // Lock the score limit so that it cannot be changed anymore... level_started = 1; Return; } else if(senderRef == mark_gold) { if(verbose > 2) Print("Player marked Gold"); SetPlayerTeam(player, 2); SetPlayerScore(player, 0); SetPlayerKills(player, 0); SetPlayerKilled(player, 0); SetPlayerSuicides(player, 0); // Give the player a gold costume modelfix = 2; // Give the player a yellow lightsaber // First make sure he's got a saber SetInv(player, 10, 1); // We change the blade color jkSetSaberInfo(player, gside_mat, gtip_mat, 0.003, 0.001, 0.100, tpl_wall, tpl_blood, tpl_saber); AddDynamicTint(player, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); teleport_gold = (teleport_gold + 1) % 8; StopThing(player); TeleportThing(player, gold_start[teleport_gold]); dummy = CreateThingAtPos(teleport_particles, GetThingSector(player), GetThingPos(player), '0 0 0'); if(play_sounds) dummy = PlaySoundThing(teleportsnd, player, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x80); // Callback #04 : New Gold Player was marked if(ctf_callback != -1) dummy = SendMessageEx(ctf_callback, user0, 4, player, ctf_score_red, ctf_score_gold); if((level_started == 0) && (time_limit > 0)) SetTimerEx(time_limit * 60, 9998, 0, 0); // Lock the score limit so that it cannot be changed anymore... level_started = 1; Return; } Return; # ........................................................................................ timer: // changes in startup would not be synched if(GetSenderId() == 9980) { // initialize both teams scores SetTeamScore(1, ctf_score_red); SetTeamScore(2, ctf_score_gold); } else // unlock touched: messages if(GetSenderId() == 9990) { lock_touch = 0; } else // play success sound if(GetSenderId() == 9994) { PlaySoundGlobal(successsnd, 1, 0, 4); } else // play alarm sound if(GetSenderId() == 9995) { PlaySoundGlobal(alarmsnd, 1, 0, 4); } else // Time to display the welcome info for a new player if(GetSenderId() == 9996) { if(verbose > 1) { player = GetParam(0); // Print("Welcome to Jedi Knight CTF!"); jkPrintUNIString(player, msgbase + 1); jkStringClear(); jkStringConcatFormattedInt(ctf_score_red, "RED: %d ("); jkStringConcatFormattedInt(GetNumPlayersInTeam(1), "%d pl.) -- "); jkStringConcatFormattedInt(ctf_score_gold, "GOLD: %d ("); jkStringConcatFormattedInt(GetNumPlayersInTeam(2), "%d pl.)"); jkStringOutput(player, -1); jkStringClear(); if(time_limit != 0) jkStringConcatFormattedInt(time_limit, "Time Limit = %d "); if(score_limit != 0) jkStringConcatFormattedInt(score_limit, "Score Limit = %d"); jkStringOutput(player, -1); } } else // Time to display the score if(GetSenderId() == 9997) { // Level Time in seconds // PrintFlex(GetLevelTime()); call show_score; // Schedule the next display in 90 seconds // but any score change in the mean time will kill this timer anyway if(level_ended == 0) SetTimerEx(90, 9997, 0, 0); } else // The event comes from the level's timelimit being reached // Just check that a limit has not been reached before... if(GetSenderId() == 9998) { if(level_ended != 0) Return; // end the level if the score is not a tie if(ctf_score_red != ctf_score_gold) { if(verbose > 2) Print("CTF Time limit reached"); level_ended = 2; // Callback #02 : Time Limit reached if(ctf_callback != -1) dummy = SendMessageEx(ctf_callback, user0, 2, -1, ctf_score_red, ctf_score_gold); call end_level; } else { // if the score is a tie switch to a already reached score_limit // so behavior would be the same : first to capture now WINS. if(verbose > 2) Print("CTF Time limit reached, but game is a tie"); score_limit = ctf_score_red; } } else // End the level if(GetSenderId() == 9999) { SyncScores(); jkEndLevel(1); } Return; # ........................................................................................ killed: if(verbose > 2) Print("CTF Killed Evt"); senderRef = GetSenderRef(); sourceRef = GetSourceRef(); // Exit if killed: was sent by anything else than a thing if(GetSenderType() != 3) Return; // Exit if killed: was sent by one of the flags // (powerups send killed: event when taken too...) if(senderRef == jball) Return; player = senderRef; tmp_score_changed = 0; // add to the killer score, but only if it is not a suicide killer = GetThingParent(sourceRef); if(killer != player) { // and the players are not in the same team if(GetPlayerTeam(killer) != GetPlayerTeam(player)) { if(GetPlayerTeam(killer) == 1) { ctf_score_red = ctf_score_red + 1; SetTeamScore(1, ctf_score_red); SetPlayerScore(killer, GetPlayerScore(killer) + 1); tmp_score_changed = 1; } else if(GetPlayerTeam(killer) == 2) { ctf_score_gold = ctf_score_gold + 1; SetTeamScore(2, ctf_score_gold); SetPlayerScore(killer, GetPlayerScore(killer) + 1); tmp_score_changed = 1; } } } // else it is a player suicide else { if(GetPlayerTeam(player) == 1) { ctf_score_red = ctf_score_red + ctf_suicide; if(ctf_score_red < 0) ctf_score_red = 0; SetTeamScore(1, ctf_score_red); SetPlayerScore(player, GetPlayerScore(player) + ctf_suicide); tmp_score_changed = 1; } else if(GetPlayerTeam(player) == 2) { ctf_score_gold = ctf_score_gold + ctf_suicide; if(ctf_score_gold < 0) ctf_score_gold = 0; SetTeamScore(2, ctf_score_gold); SetPlayerScore(player, GetPlayerScore(player) + ctf_suicide); tmp_score_changed = 1; } } if(tmp_score_changed) { // dummy = SendMessageEx(score_display_cog, User0, ctf_score_red, ctf_score_gold, 0.0, 0.0); // Send a TRIGGER_SCORE with its parameters SendTrigger(-1, 1002, ctf_score_red, ctf_score_gold, 0, 0); // Announce the score in 3 seconds KillTimerEx(9997); SetTimerEx(3, 9997, 0, 0); } Return; # ........................................................................................ shutdown: if(verbose > 2) Print("CTF Shutdown Evt"); Return; # ======================================================================================== score_goal_event: SendTrigger(-1, 1002, ctf_score_red, ctf_score_gold, 0, 0); SetTimerEx(1, 9994, 0, 0); //Teleport the ball to a designated thing's position. (startball 1 or 2) teleball = Rand(); if(teleball > 0.5) { StopThing(jball); TeleportThing(jball,startball1); } else { StopThing(jball); TeleportThing(jball,startball2); } return; # ........................................................................................ show_score: if(level_ended == 0) { if(ctf_score_red > ctf_score_gold) { PlaySoundGlobal(leadsnd, 1, 0, 4); // Print("RED Team Leads by"); jkStringClear(); jkStringConcatUNIString(msgbase + 30); jkStringConcatSpace(); jkStringConcatInt(ctf_score_red); jkStringConcatSpace(); jkStringConcatUNIString(msgbase + 38); jkStringConcatSpace(); jkStringConcatInt(ctf_score_gold); jkStringOutput(-3, -1); } if(ctf_score_red < ctf_score_gold) { PlaySoundGlobal(leadsnd2, 1, 0, 4); // Print("GOLD Team Leads by"); jkStringClear(); jkStringConcatUNIString(msgbase + 31); jkStringConcatSpace(); jkStringConcatInt(ctf_score_gold); jkStringConcatSpace(); jkStringConcatUNIString(msgbase + 38); jkStringConcatSpace(); jkStringConcatInt(ctf_score_red); jkStringOutput(-3, -1); } if(ctf_score_red == ctf_score_gold) { // Print("Both teams have"); jkStringClear(); jkStringConcatUNIString(msgbase + 32); jkStringConcatSpace(); jkStringConcatInt(ctf_score_red); jkStringConcatSpace(); if(ctf_score_red == 1) { // Print("point."); jkStringConcatUNIString(msgbase + 36); } else { // Print("points."); jkStringConcatUNIString(msgbase + 37); } jkStringOutput(-3, -1); } } else { if(ctf_score_red > ctf_score_gold) { PlaySoundGlobal(winsnd, 1, 0, 4); // Print("RED Team Wins by"); jkStringClear(); jkStringConcatUNIString(msgbase + 33); jkStringConcatSpace(); jkStringConcatInt(ctf_score_red); jkStringConcatSpace(); jkStringConcatUNIString(msgbase + 38); jkStringConcatSpace(); jkStringConcatInt(ctf_score_gold); jkStringOutput(-3, -1); } if(ctf_score_red < ctf_score_gold) { PlaySoundGlobal(winsnd2, 1, 0, 4); // Print("GOLD Team Wins by"); jkStringClear(); jkStringConcatUNIString(msgbase + 31); jkStringConcatSpace(); jkStringConcatInt(ctf_score_gold); jkStringConcatSpace(); jkStringConcatUNIString(msgbase + 38); jkStringConcatSpace(); jkStringConcatInt(ctf_score_red); jkStringOutput(-3, -1); } if(ctf_score_red == ctf_score_gold) { // Print("Final Score is a DRAW at"); jkStringClear(); jkStringConcatUNIString(msgbase + 32); jkStringConcatSpace(); jkStringConcatInt(ctf_score_red); jkStringConcatSpace(); if(ctf_score_red == 1) { // Print("point."); jkStringConcatUNIString(msgbase + 36); } else { // Print("points."); jkStringConcatUNIString(msgbase + 37); } jkStringOutput(-3, -1); } } Return; # ........................................................................................ show_end: if(verbose > 0) { // Space jkPrintUNIString(-3, msgbase + 39); if(level_ended == 1) { // Print("--==<< Score Limit Reached >>==--"); jkPrintUNIString(-3, msgbase + 2); } if(level_ended == 2) { // Print("--==<< Time Limit Reached >>==--"); jkPrintUNIString(-3, msgbase + 3); } // Space jkPrintUNIString(-3, msgbase + 39); } Return; # ........................................................................................ end_level: SyncScores(); call show_end; // until it is time to quit the level SetTimerEx(5, 9999, 0, 0); Return; # ........................................................................................ // CTF Callback interface // This will allow the other COG to do some level specific actions on CTF events. // Another script may SendMessageEx() here, passing its own cog reference in p0. // p1 should contain -1 or the time_limit (counting from message reception) // p2 should contain -1 or the new verbose level // p3 should contain -1 or the play_sounds value // // CTF_MAIN will always send it a User0 when an important CTF event occurs, // with the following parameters: // // p0 = 00 : Score Limit Changed p1 = new score limit // p0 = 01 : Score Limit Reached p1 = player who last scored // p0 = 02 : Time Limit Reached // // p0 = 03 : New Red Player was marked p1 = player who was marked // p0 = 04 : New Gold Player was marked p1 = player who was marked // // p0 = 10 : Red Flag Taken p1 = player who took the flag // p0 = 11 : Red Flag Returned p1 = player who returned the flag // p0 = 12 : Red team captured the flag p1 = player who scored // p0 = 13 : Red flag lost by Gold team p1 = player who was killed // p0 = 14 : Red flag auto returned home // p0 = 15 : Red Flag ReTaken p1 = player who took the flag // p0 = 20 : Gold Flag Taken p1 = player who took the flag // p0 = 21 : Gold Flag Returned p1 = player who returned the flag // p0 = 22 : Gold team captured the flag p1 = player who scored // p0 = 23 : Gold flag lost by Red team p1 = player who was killed // p0 = 24 : Gold flag auto returned home // p0 = 25 : Gold Flag ReTaken p1 = player who took the flag // // p2 = red score and p3 = gold score for all messages. user0: ctf_callback = GetParam(0); if(GetParam(1) != -1) { time_limit = GetParam(1); KillTimerEx(9998); SetTimerEx(time_limit * 60, 9998, 0, 0); } if(GetParam(2) != -1) verbose = GetParam(2); if(GetParam(3) != -1) play_sounds = GetParam(3); Return; # ........................................................................................ // CTF Keys interface // This allows a per level use of the CTF Keys // The CTF Keys powerups cogs will manage this. user1: ctf_keys = 1; Return; # ........................................................................................ // this is just a quick hack to communicate the keys bins contents // from client to server, because they are not synched... user2: SetInv(GetParam(0), GetParam(1), GetParam(2)); SetInvAvailable(GetParam(0), GetParam(1), GetParam(2)); Return; end
[Too much scrolling - Hideki]
[This message has been edited by Hideki (edited December 11, 2000).]