Is it possible ...
I didn't know if this belonged in the General editing forum or the COG forum, but I figured this mostly involved COGging (among other things). Is it possible to make some sort of speeder race in JK or MotS, somewhat like in Return of the Jedi. Where players still have functionality, like being able to jump off the speeder, shooting while on the speeder, etc. I noticed SavageX had done something in Leeza's Destiny that made it where you could shoot other ships. Anyway, thanx.![ []](
I didn't know if this belonged in the General editing forum or the COG forum, but I figured this mostly involved COGging (among other things). Is it possible to make some sort of speeder race in JK or MotS, somewhat like in Return of the Jedi. Where players still have functionality, like being able to jump off the speeder, shooting while on the speeder, etc. I noticed SavageX had done something in Leeza's Destiny that made it where you could shoot other ships. Anyway, thanx.
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