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ForumsCog Forum → Changing mats during the game...
Changing mats during the game...
2001-01-12, 5:36 PM #1
Hey, I want to make it when I get shot in JK my chest becomes a new mat with damage on it. Is it possible? If so, how would I go about doing this?
2001-01-12, 8:06 PM #2
Not possible. Only way to do it is if you have a different 3do with all the different damage mats in all the possible combinations.

-Hell Raiser
"I am not defeated so easily!"
Co-staffer of Rbots
-Hell Raiser
2001-01-13, 2:39 AM #3
Ok, lets say I have a new 3do for he gets shot in the chest. How would I go about making a cog that would change his 3do? I think I'd have to make it so the cog would activate when he reaches 50% health.
2001-01-13, 6:32 AM #4

Together we stand.
Divided we fall.
2001-01-13, 7:32 AM #5
I got bored, so I wrote you the cog []
# damagep.cog
# changes the players model depending on what their health is
# Not supported by LucasArts because they suck
# (C) Jay Inc. 01\13\01
# -Aglar
message startup
message pulse
model damaged=kyh4.3do
model healthy=ky.3do
player = GetSourceRef();
health = GetThingHealth(player);
if (health <= 50)
	SetThingModel(player, damaged);
	if (health >= 50)
		SetThingModel(player, healthy);


Works great. ky.3do and kyh4.3do can be changed to whatever you want.

Together we stand.
Divided we fall.

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