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ForumsCog Forum → Advanced Cog Problem
Advanced Cog Problem
2001-01-17, 2:40 PM #1
OK. I've spent a lot of time editing Nightmare's MP Ai SYNC cog, and I've run into a hitch (guess I edited it a little TOO much...) Anyways, when the host starts a game the Ai is fine and dandy, but when a client joins the Ai needs to respawn before the client can see him. Here's my code (NOTE: I haven't included the client side of the cog, but since all that does is play a sound and displays a text message I know it's not the problem.)

# Jedi Knight Cog Script
# ai_dflt_srv.cog
# This cog was made by sqmagellan. All Rights Reserved.


message timer
message damaged
message pulse
message activated
message crossed
message startup

thing aipos nolink
thing ai=-1 mask=-1 local

int no_respawn=0
int no_loop=0

surface ai_on_1
surface ai_on_2
surface ai_on_3
surface ai_on_4
surface ai_off_1
surface ai_off_2
surface ai_off_3
surface ai_off_4

thing seeker
int seekframes=2
flex seekspeed=120.0 local

int team=5
int controlflags=0x10

flex sightdist_n=5.0
flex movespeed_n=0.35

flex minfirerate_n=.75
flex maxfirerate_n=4.5
flex maxrange_n=4.5
flex lead_n=0.4

int hitpoints_n=250
int respawn_time_n=10
int killpnts=1
int vision=225
int ok_to_sync=0

flex standoffdist=.75
flex arriveddist=1.5

int death_uni=1000
int self_kill_uni=1000
int taunt_a=1000
int taunt_1_b=1000
int taunt_2_b=1000
int taunt_3_b=1000
int taunt_4_b=1000
int taunt_5_b=1000

template item_drop=+Dstrifle
template aitpl

keyframe FireKey=stfire.key
keyframe HurtKey=sthit.key

sound firesnd=pistol-1.wav
sound HurtSnd=i00s127z.wav
sound BlindSnd=i00ic15z.wav

template weapon=+ais_laser
template die_tpl=+ais_sparks
template respawn_tpl=+telesparks
template sound_tpl=+sound_icon

flex sightdist local
flex movespeed local
flex minfirerate local
flex maxfirerate local
flex maxrange local
flex lead local
int hitpoints local
int respawn_time local

thing target local
thing movetarget local
thing victim local
thing killer local
thing player local
thing shot local

sector sec0 local

flex damage_type local
flex damage_amount local
flex targetswitch local
flex Dot local
flex MaxDot local

int statflags local
int aimodeflags local
int playerflags local

int LOScountdown=0 local
int hp local
int weapon local
int curframe local
int hitcount=0 local
int hastalked local
int aisnd local
int temp_death local
int can_respawn=1 local
int make_us=1 local

sound beep=set_hi2.wav local

vector firepos local
vector firevec local
vector movevec local
vector movepos local
vector interceptvec local
vector dodgevec local
vector gunoffset local
vector randVec local


# (/\/\/\/\(()=======================================================-


sightdist = sightdist_n;
movespeed = movespeed_n;
minfirerate = minfirerate_n;
maxfirerate = maxfirerate_n;
maxrange = maxrange_n;
lead = lead_n;
hitpoints = hitpoints_n;
respawn_time = respawn_time_n;

call make_me;


if(!IsMulti() | | IsServer()) ai = CreateThing(aitpl, aipos);
SetThingUserData(ai, team);
movetarget = aipos;
statflags = 0x3;
aiflags = 0x2;
hp = hitpoints;
target = -1;
hitcount = 0;
gunoffset = GetThingFireOffSet(ai);
SetThingVel(ai, '0 -.01 0');
CreateThingAtPos(respawn_tpl, GetThingSector(ai), GetThingPos(ai), '0 0 0');

if (BitTest(controlflags, 0x1))
curframe = 0;
movetarget = seeker;
aiflags = BitSet(aiflags, 0x80);
TeleportThing(seeker, aipos);
SkipToFrame(seeker, 0, seekspeed);


if (BitTest(aiflags, 0x1)) return;
if ((IsServer()) && (ok_to_sync)) SyncThingPos(ai);

if(BitTest(aiflags, 0x2))
victim = -1;
maxDot = sightdist + 1;
victim = FirstThingInView(ai, 225, 5.5, 0x404);
while (victim != -1)
if ((HasLOS(ai, victim)) && ((GetThingType(victim) == 10 && GetPlayerTeam(victim) != team) | | (GetThingType(victim) == 2 && GetThingUserData(victim) != team)) && (VectorDist(GetThingPos(ai), GetThingPos(victim)) <= sightdist) && (victim != ai))
dot = VectorDist(GetThingPos(ai), GetThingPos(victim));
if (dot < maxDot)
target = victim;
maxDot = dot;
victim = NextThingInView();
if(target != -1)
playerflags = GetActorFlags(target);
if (!BitTest(playerflags, 0x80))
if (BitTest(controlflags, 0x1)) StopThing(seeker);
movetarget = target;
aiflags = BitClear(aiflags, 0x2);
aiflags = BitSet(aiflags, 0x8);
aiflags = BitSet(aiflags, 0x20);
if (BitTest(aiflags, 0x80)) aiflags = BitClear(aiflags, 0x80);
statflags = BitSet(statflags, 0x4);
SetTimerEx(minfirerate + (rand() * (maxfirerate - minfirerate)), 4, 0.0, 0.0);
if (BitTest(aiflags, 0x20) && !BitTest(controlflags, 0x2))
interceptvec = VectorNorm(VectorSub(VectorAdd(GetThingPos(movetarget), VectorScale(GetThingVel(movetarget), lead)), GetThingPos(ai)));
movevec = VectorSet(VectorX(interceptvec), VectorY(interceptvec), 0.0);
SetThingLook(ai, movevec);
if (VectorDist(GetThingPos(ai), GetThingPos(movetarget)) < standoffdist) SetThingVel(ai, VectorScale(VectorNorm(GetThingLVec(ai)), -movespeed));
if (VectorDist(GetThingPos(ai), GetThingPos(movetarget)) > (arriveddist)) SetThingVel(ai, VectorScale(VectorNorm(GetThingLVec(ai)), movespeed));
if (BitTest(aiflags, 0x80))
if (GetThingType(movetarget) != 10 && BitTest(controlflags, 0x1))
if (!IsthingMoving(seeker) && VectorDist(GetThingPos(ai), GetThingPos(movetarget)) < .25)
curframe = curframe + 1;
if (curframe > seekframes)
if (no_loop) aiflags = BitClear(aiflags, 0x80);
else curframe = 0;
SkipToFrame(seeker, curframe, seekspeed);
if (GetThingType(movetarget) == 10 && !HasLOS(ai, movetarget))
movetarget = -1;
aiflags = BitClear(aiflags, 0x80);
if ((HasLOS(ai, movetarget)) | | movetarget == seeker )
interceptvec = VectorNorm(VectorSub(VectorAdd(GetThingPos(movetarget), VectorScale(GetThingVel(movetarget), lead)), GetThingPos(ai)));
movevec = VectorSet(VectorX(interceptvec), VectorY(interceptvec), 0.0);
SetThingLook(ai, movevec);
if (VectorDist(GetThingPos(ai), GetThingPos(movetarget)) > .25) SetThingVel(ai, VectorScale(VectorNorm(GetThingLVec(ai)), movespeed));
if (BitTest(aiflags, 0x8))
if (HasLOS(ai, target)) LOScountdown = 0;
if (!HasLOS(ai, target) | | VectorDist(GetThingPos(ai), GetThingPos(target)) < sightdist) LOScountdown = LOScountdown + 1;
if (LOScountdown >= 8 | | (GetThingFlags(target) & 0x200))
target = -1;
movetarget = -1;
aiflags = BitSet(aiflags, 0x2);
aiflags = BitClear(aiflags, 0x8);
aiflags = BitClear(aiflags, 0x20);
statflags = BitClear(statflags, 0x4);
if (BitTest(controlflags, 0x1))
movetarget = seeker;
aiflags = BitSet(aiflags, 0x80);
SkipToFrame(seeker, curframe, seekspeed);
sec0 = GetThingSector(ai);
if ((ai == -1) | | (GetThingTemplate(ai) != aitpl) | | (GetSectorFlags(sec0) & 0x40))
target = -1;
if (ai > -1)
temp_death = 1;
call time_to_go;
jkPrintUNIString(-3, self_kill_uni);


if (GetSenderRef() != ai) Return;
if (!BitTest(statflags, 0x1)) return;
killer = GetThingParent(GetSourceRef());
if ((killer == -1) | | ((GetThingType(killer) == 10 && GetPlayerTeam(killer) == team) | | (GetThingType(killer) == 2 && GetThingUserData(killer) == team))) return;

if ((GetThingType(killer) == 10) && (!ok_to_sync)) ok_to_sync = 1;
damage_type = GetParam(1);
damage_amount = GetParam(0);
if (BitTest(damage_type, 0x15)) damage_amout = damage_amount * 2000;
hp = hp - damage_amount;

if (hp > 0)
targetswitch = damage_amount + (rand() * 80);
if ((targetswitch > 100) | | (!BitTest(statflags, 0x4)) && ((GetThingType(killer) == 10 && GetPlayerTeam(killer) != team) | | (GetThingType(killer) == 2 && GetThingUserData(killer) != team)))
if (BitTest(controlflags, 0x1)) StopThing(seeker);
target = killer;
movetarget = killer;
LOScountdown = 8;

if (BitTest(aiflags, 0x2)) aiflags = BitClear(aiflags, 0x2);
if (!BitTest(aiflags, 0x8)) aiflags = BitSet(aiflags, 0x8);
if (!BitTest(aiflags, 0x20)) aiflags = BitSet(aiflags, 0x20);
if (BitTest(aiflags, 0x80)) aiflags = BitClear(aiflags, 0x80);
if (!BitTest(statflags, 0x4)) statflags = BitSet(statflags, 0x4);

SetTimerEx(0.1, 4, 0, 0);
if ((Rand() >= 0.6) && (!hastalked))
randtalk = rand();
if (randtalk <= 0.2) jkStringConcatUniString(taunt_1_b);
else if (randtalk <= 0.4) jkStringConcatUniString(taunt_2_b);
else if (randtalk <= 0.6) jkStringConcatUniString(taunt_3_b);
else if (randtalk <= 0.8) jkStringConcatUniString(taunt_4_b);
else jkStringConcatUniString(taunt_5_b);
jkStringOutput(-3, -1);
PlaySoundGlobal(beep, 1, 0, 0);
hastalked = 1;
SetTimerEx(7, 3, 0, 0);
hitcount = hitcount + 1;
PlayKey(ai, HurtKey, 2, 32);
PlaySoundThing(HurtSnd, ai, 1, -1, -1, 0);
if (hp <= 0) call time_to_go;


if (BitTest(controlflags, 0x1)) StopThing(seeker);
can_respawn = 0;
target = -1;
movetarget = aipos;
statflags = 0x0;
aiflags = 0x1;

if (!temp_death)
if (GetThingType(killer) == 10)
SetPlayerScore(killer, GetPlayerScore(killer) + killpnts);
SetPlayerKills(killer, GetPlayerKills(killer) + killpnts);
aisnd = CreateThing(sound_tpl, ai);
CreateThing(item_drop, ai);
SendTrigger(-1, 6, aisnd, 0, killer, death_uni);
CreateThingAtPos(die_tpl, GetThingSector(ai), GetThingPos(ai), '0 0 0');
if (!no_respawn) SetTimerEx(respawn_time, 2, 0, 0);
else temp_death = 0;

ai = -1;


// Taunt re-cycle.
if (GetSenderID() == 3)
hastalked = 0;
// AI Weapon Use.
else if (GetSenderID() == 4)
if (BitTest(aiflags, 0x8))
if ((VectorDist(GetThingPos(ai), GetThingPos(target)) < maxrange) && (HasLOS(ai, target)))
if(GetActorFlags(ai) & 0x800)
if (Rand() <= 0.25) PlaySoundThing(BlindSnd, ai, 1, -1, -1, 0);
randVec = VectorSet((Rand()-0.5)*15, (Rand()-0.5)*35, 0.0);
else randVec = VectorSet(0, 0, 0);
firepos = VectorAdd(GetThingPos(target), VectorScale(GetThingVel(target), lead));
firevec = VectorNorm(VectorSub(firepos, GetThingPos(ai)));
SetThingLook(ai, firevec);
// SetThingLook(ai, VectorSub(GetThingPos(target), GetThingPos(ai)));
shot = FireProjectile(ai, weapon, firesnd, 8, gunoffset, randVec, 1.0, 0x20, 25, .75);
PlayKey(ai, FireKey, 2, 32);
if (GetActorFlags(ai) & 0x800) SetTimerEx(minfirerate + (rand() * (maxfirerate - minfirerate)) * 2, 4, 0, 0);
else SetTimerEx(minfirerate + (rand() * (maxfirerate - minfirerate)), 4, 0, 0);
// Respawn AI Timer
else if(GetSenderID() == 2)
call make_me;

if (GetSenderRef() == ai)
player = GetSourceRef();
if ((GetPlayerTeam(player) == team) && (BitTest(aiflags, 0x2)))
if (!BitTest(aiflags, 0x80))
movetarget = player;
aiflags = BitSet(aiflags, 0x80);
if (BitTest(aiflags, 0x80))
movetarget = -1;
aiflags = BitClear(aiflags, 0x80);

if (((GetSenderRef() == ai_on_1) | | (GetSenderRef() == ai_on_2) | | (GetSenderRef() == ai_on_3) | | (GetSenderRef() == ai_on_4)) && (!ok_to_sync))
ok_to_sync = 1;
else if (((GetSenderRef() == ai_off_1) | | (GetSenderRef() == ai_off_2) | | (GetSenderRef() == ai_off_3) | | (GetSenderRef() == ai_on_4)) && (ok_to_sync))
ok_to_sync = 0;





- sqmagellan
2001-01-18, 11:10 AM #2
It gets created at startup, maybe you should make it get recreated at 'newplayer:' (Just replace the old one with a new one)

Maybe this'd work:

Add these symbols:

thing aiold local
message newplayer

And add this code:

ai = CreateThing(aitpl,aiold);

That should work, but I haven't tested it.

JK [Meteor]
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