Does anyone know if there is a way in the cog for the IR goggles to change them to, say, zoomable macrobinoculars with a different color effect and maybe even circular viewfinding crosshairs like the macros in the movies? Does anyone know if this has already been done? Seems I saw an item cog mod somewhere that Hideki did that was similar, but I'm not sure of that. Please, if there's a way to change the cog, let me know. If there isn't, and it is more a matter of creating a whole new cog for such a thing, let me know.
"A new face of the Dark Side there is-Darth Tyranus."
"A new face of the Dark Side there is-Darth Tyranus."
"At an end your rule is, and not short enough it was."
-Yoda to Darth Sidious in Revenge Of The Sith
-Yoda to Darth Sidious in Revenge Of The Sith