Ive been trying to do this for days with no success at all. Here is the code I am working with.
personinview = FirstThingInView(player, 179, 0x1, 0x404);
healthwise = GetPlayerHealth(personinview);
I basically only want it to return a proper value for another person in game to get the OTHER players health. Ive tried variations and I just cant do it. I have tried GetThingHealth instead of GetPlayerHealth, just about everything, if I could have your thoughts Id greatly appriciate it.
personinview = FirstThingInView(player, 179, 0x1, 0x404);
healthwise = GetPlayerHealth(personinview);
I basically only want it to return a proper value for another person in game to get the OTHER players health. Ive tried variations and I just cant do it. I have tried GetThingHealth instead of GetPlayerHealth, just about everything, if I could have your thoughts Id greatly appriciate it.