I now have a larger database of weapons. I for some reason get a different number for strifles held by aliens and humans. 23 for humans(including sts themselves) and 44 for non-humans. Here's my current database:
Any ideas on where the info is coming from? I can't go on just guessing. Eventually people will make enemies with the so-far unused weapons like the seeking rail gun and carb gun.
single: Weap=GetActorWeapon(victim, 1); if(Weap == 23 || Weap == 44)//if it returns 0 { print("Stormtrooper Rifle"); } if(Weap == 47) { print("Rail Detonator"); } if(Weap == 72) { print("Blastech DL-44"); } if(Weap == 78) { print("Imperial Repeater"); } if(Weap == 84) { print("AT-ST Laser Turrets"); } if(Weap == 60) { print("Crossbow"); } if(Weap == 53) { print("Thermal Detonators"); } if(Weap == 70) { print("Rodian Blastech DL-44"); } if(Weap == 48 || Weap == -1) { print("Fists"); } if(Weap == 36) { print("Gammorean Axe"); } else{printint(Weap);}
Any ideas on where the info is coming from? I can't go on just guessing. Eventually people will make enemies with the so-far unused weapons like the seeking rail gun and carb gun.