I've got this airlock in my level, that has all the appropriate things set in the slots, but it's supposed to flood after the doors close behind you, then the doors in front of you open after the flood, only mine won't flood! I have the 3do that's textured like water that's supposed to move up, only it just sits there and never floods. Here's the cog:
And here is what it looks like:
CAn you help me?
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # airlockdoors.cog # # A set of airlock doors # # -Obsidian 1-28-00 symbols thing DryDoor1 linkid=1 thing DryDoor2. linkid=1 thing WetDoor1 linkid=2 thing WetDoor2 linkid=2 surface DrySwitch linkid=1 surface WetSwitch linkid=2 surface CenterSwitch linkid=3 flex DoorSpeed nolink thing water3do linkid=4 flex FloodSpeed nolink # sound FloodingSound nolink sector FloodSector vector FloodTint nolink int running local int flooded=0 local int open=1 local int close=0 local int DryDoors=1 local int WetDoors=2 local int LastMoveDoor local int channel local vector oldtint local message startup message activated message arrived message timer end # ========== code Startup: SetThingFlags(water3do, 0x10); OldTint = GetSectorTint(FloodSector); SetTimerEx(0, 1, open, drydoors); return; # .......... Activated: If(GetSenderType() != 6) return; If(IsThingMoving(water3do)) return; If(GetSenderID() == 1) { running = 1; If(GetCurFrame(DryDoor1) != open) SetTimerEx(0, 1, close, wetdoors); } If(GetSenderID() == 2) { running = 1; If(GetCurFrame(wetDoor1) != open) SetTimerEx(0, 1, close, drydoors); } If(GetSenderID() == 3) { running = 1; If(GetCurFrame(DryDoor1) != Close) SetTimerEx(0, 1, close, drydoors); If(GetCurFrame(wetDoor1) != Close) SetTimerEx(0, 1, close, wetdoors); } return; # .......... Arrived: running = 0; If((GetSenderRef() == DryDoor1) && (GetCurFrame(DryDoor1) == close)) Call FloodSector; If((GetSenderRef() == WetDoor1) && (GetCurFrame(WetDoor1) == close)) Call UnFloodSector; If(GetSenderRef() == water3do) { If(GetCurFrame(water3do) == 1) { If(flooded) { SetSectorTint(FloodSector, FloodTint); SetSectorFlags(FloodSector, 0x2); MoveToFrame(water3do, 2, floodspeed); } else { SetSectorTint(FloodSector, oldtint); ClearSectorFlags(FloodSector, 0x2); MoveToFrame(water3do, 0, floodspeed); } } If(GetCurFrame(water3do) == 0) { SetTimerEx(0, 1, open, drydoors); SetThingFlags(water3do, 0x10); } If(GetCurFrame(water3do) == 2) { SetTimerEx(0, 1, open, wetdoors); SetThingFlags(water3do, 0x10); } } return; # .......... Timer: If(GetSenderID() != 1) return; If(GetParam(1) == DryDoors) { MoveToFrame(DryDoor1, GetParam(0), doorspeed); MoveToFrame(DryDoor2, GetParam(0), doorspeed); } If(GetParam(1) == WetDoors) { MoveToFrame(WetDoor1, GetParam(0), doorspeed); MoveToFrame(WetDoor2, GetParam(0), doorspeed); } return; # .......... FloodSector: MoveToFrame(water3do, 1, floodspeed); ClearThingFlags(water3do, 0x10); //channel = PlaySoundThing(FloodingSound, water3do, 1, -1, -1, 0x81); //StopSound(channel, 3); flooded = 1; return; # .......... UnFloodSector: MoveToFrame(water3do, 1, floodspeed); ClearThingFlags(water3do, 0x10); //channel = PlaySoundThing(FloodingSound, water3do, 1, -1, -1, 0x81); //StopSound(channel, 3); flooded = 0; return; end
And here is what it looks like:
![http://www.tbns.net/zell/cogpic.jpg [http://www.tbns.net/zell/cogpic.jpg]](http://www.tbns.net/zell/cogpic.jpg)
CAn you help me?