I haven't tried animating a mat on the character (walkplayer). You can animate mats on other 3DOs (should work on AI) by using the 00_matanim.cog -- this will animate the mat on any surface where it occurs. So you might want to create your own mat named uniquely if you want it to only be animated a certain place.
I've used this to put a flashing light on a door. I think it's probably used in game for the flashing light on the manual sequencer charge.
If you want to start and stop this animation then write a cog that uses the functions:
Anim = materialanim(animmat, fps, 1);
You'll also need to add to the Symbols section:
int Anim
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Sylvicolus JK homepage
If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to
patient observation than to any other reason. -Isaac Newton