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ForumsCog Forum → Duck and roll
Duck and roll
2001-05-03, 3:52 PM #1
I'm super elite newbie at cogging...All I want to learn is how to make kyle roll if you press duck(While falling down hole)I have a keyframe

"I am one...with all that is evil" - [SM]Yun
We are human beings trying to be spiritual, we are spiritual beings trying to be human.
2001-05-04, 1:28 AM #2
I'm pretty sure this doesn't make sense...

What I want to do, is when kyle falls down long enough to make it hurt, If you hold down duck, when you touch the ground, you will roll, and take no damage...

"I am one...with all that is evil" - [SM]Yun
We are human beings trying to be spiritual, we are spiritual beings trying to be human.
2001-05-04, 6:01 AM #3
Hey, I'm here! But who cares?
2001-05-04, 6:03 AM #4
Use playeraction... It HAS to be for MotS to have that... []
Hey, I'm here! But who cares?

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