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ForumsCog Forum → Drop that key
Drop that key
2001-05-05, 4:08 AM #1
What cog is it in MotS that makes an officer drop a key when killed? I looked for the obvious using masks like *key or *off, but didn't get what I wanted. Thanks.

And you thought Chewie was hairy...

The Lightsaber's Edge
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2001-05-05, 4:57 AM #2
Don't think it's a cog.. don't templates have a dropthing parameter or something, that specifies what they drop when they die?
2001-05-05, 7:11 AM #3
It IS the cog! Somewhere in it there is a line saying something along these lines... "Drop powerup when killed" or spmething like that and it should say something like "strifle" or "powercells". Just change the powerup to the key u want.
Ohh Crap! - Darien Fawkes (The Invisible Man)

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