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ForumsCog Forum → GetParam
2001-05-11, 5:50 AM #1
How do I use it? I have no idea! Same with Capture/ReleaseMessage. Can someone help?(again... [])
Hey, I'm here! But who cares?
2001-05-11, 6:05 AM #2
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">
Gets one parameter of a cog message. Each cog message has 4 parameters, but generally only some of them contain useful values.

Use: GetParam(paramNumber);
Where paramNumber can be 0, 1, 2 or 3.

Examples of verbs setting parameters are SendMessageEx, SetTimerEx, SetParam, ...
Note that the engine itself sometimes set parameters when calling a message handler.
For instance in the damaged: message param 0 is the amount of damage, and param 1 is the type of damage

I'm not sure what all the parameters for all the messages are.

Also, what do you mean by Captured/Released messages? If you mean CaptureThing() and ReleaseThing(), I can explain that:

CaptureThing is used to capture a things messages (e.g. if you use CaptureThing(player); then any messages sent that would normally go to kyle.cog would be sent to the cog first.)

ReleaseThing is used to stop capturing messages.

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His pot is blacker than his kettle!
2001-05-11, 9:06 AM #3
Yes, those are what I meant. Thanx!
Hey, I'm here! But who cares?

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