Will this cog work it should be self explanatory
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#JK COG YIPEE!! #[Han5687] #Top secret cog for level #[may 13 9:41 pm 2001] symbols thing player local thing bot1 thing bot2 thing bot3 thing bot4 thing bot5 model bot1 model bot2 model bot3 model bot4 model bot5 sector bot1 linkid=1 sector bot2 linkid=2 sector bot3 linkid=3 sector bot4 linkid=4 sector bot5 linkid=5 message entered end # ======================================= code entered: player=jkGetLocalPlayerThing; if (GetSourceRef==player) { if (GetSenderID() == 1) { SetThingModel(player,bot1); TeleportThing(player,bot1); } else if (GetSenderID() == 2) { SetThingModel(player,bot2); TeleportRhing(player,bot2); } else if (GetSenderID() == 3) { SetThingModel(player,bot3); TeleportRhing(player,bot3); } else if (GetSenderID() == 4) { SetThingModel(player,bot4); TeleportRhing(player,bot4); } else if (GetSenderID() == 5) { SetThingModel(player,bot5); TeleportRhing(player,bot5); } } return; end
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roses are red, violets are blue, I am schizophrenic, and I am too!