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ForumsCog Forum → Will this work?
Will this work?
2001-05-13, 4:38 PM #1
Will this cog work it should be self explanatory

#Top secret cog for level
#[may 13 9:41 pm 2001]

thing player local
thing bot1  
thing bot2
thing bot3
thing bot4
thing bot5
model bot1 
model bot2
model bot3
model bot4
model bot5
sector bot1 linkid=1
sector bot2 linkid=2
sector bot3 linkid=3
sector bot4 linkid=4
sector bot5 linkid=5
message entered
# =======================================
  if (GetSourceRef==player)
  if (GetSenderID() == 1)
  else if (GetSenderID() == 2)
  else if (GetSenderID() == 3)
  else if (GetSenderID() == 4)
  else if (GetSenderID() == 5)

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2001-05-13, 7:23 PM #2
Well for one , I don't think the Getsenderid , should be there for any reason , because it's saying if the person is entering == player , then do the stuff else don't do it , then you go onto say if linkid = bot3 ... do stuff , so i suggest you just make a link cog from the bot ...

and lastly , it's Teleportthing(player, bot3);


not Teleportring []
2001-05-14, 9:27 AM #3
It looks to me like he is using the GetSenderId to find out which sector the player entered, then change the player to the appropriate bot for the sector. So it makes sense to me.

I'm wondering though, does the cog keep straight these variable names if you have a thing, a model, and a sector reference all called bot1?? Wouldn't it be better to use different names for the thing, model, and sector -- not use bot1 for all three but something like: bot1, model1, sector1 etc. ?

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Sylvicolus JK homepage
If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to
patient observation than to any other reason. -Isaac Newton
2001-05-14, 5:07 PM #4
Okay so this should work aside from the teleportring. and i think it makes perfect sense but i am the one who wrote it so i should think it works. I think it should keep them straight because they are all different things like model, thing, sector, so it should have them all register different according to the verb. I will change it to be on the safe side though. Thanks

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