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ForumsCog Forum → Working out the max number of players
Working out the max number of players
2001-05-26, 2:19 PM #1
Ok, anyone know how to work out the max number of players that the host has allowed to join a game?

GetAbsoluteMaxPlayers() - always returns '32' as it's the max number of players the engine allows.
GetMaxPlayers() - just returns the number of walkplayers there are in the level.

Is there anything else?



... the Jedi I admire the most, met up with Darth Maul, now he's toast ...
Rbots - a project to develop a working Bot for Jedi Knight... download the latest development version here

[This message has been edited by Raynar (edited May 27, 2001).]
Pagewizard_YKS: "making your own lightsaber doesn't make you a nerd... "
Raynar - the man with a 10.75" ePenis
2001-05-26, 6:07 PM #2
This should work ....

2001-05-27, 1:52 AM #3
Seifer, have you tested that?

When I tested that about a year ago, I thought it only returned a number that will never change but same as GetAbsoluteMaxPlayers().

So I just posted so in my Cog Verb list.

Raynar I can't think of a way to get that done from top of my head, but may I ask you why you need that done? Maybe there can be some workaround if all possible.

------------------ - Millennium
2001-05-27, 12:15 PM #4
Ok, here's what I'm trying to do:

The host allows say, 10 players to join the game (host + 9 others). Using this info, the Rbots code would spawn 9 bots at the start of the game. As a player joins, one of the bots will leave and as a player leaves, one of the bots will join, keeping the total number of players (bots and real players) the same.

Just trying to make use of the existing menu options, but I'm open to alternatives.

btw GetMaxPlayers() does return different info. It will return the number of walkplayers that are present in the level.



... the Jedi I admire the most, met up with Darth Maul, now he's toast ...
Rbots - a project to develop a working Bot for Jedi Knight... download the latest development version here
Pagewizard_YKS: "making your own lightsaber doesn't make you a nerd... "
Raynar - the man with a 10.75" ePenis
2001-05-28, 2:13 AM #5
I don't think it's possible to get the number of players allowed in the game.

I can't think of a way to interact that hard-coded variable since there is no such verb to get it.(GetMaxPlayers() should be doing the job but it doesn't)

Sorry, I can't come up with anything here.

------------------ - Millennium

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