Visual ingame menus? Why is it I don't know all of these mods? What's the name of it?
Well, I doubt you could do it with BMs. You can make item BMs appear but I think they are limited to a small portion of the screen. The other way to make BMs appear is the HUD - and that is exe controlled.
Now, a good way to make menus is with sprites. Simply fire them a little ways in front of the player. I've been experimenting with these for a new crosshair.
In response to your question, Nejja: You'd be very lucky to find someone who could do those cogs for you. -Espescially the menu. What you need to do is learn COG yourself. But, if you need help on something specific, just post here.
The enemy is in front of us, behind us, to the left, and to the right. This time they won't get away.