Hi, I need somebody to help me with the following cog, what I need is for the Force Power 3 to be Deadky Sight, instead of Pull.
And just so you know, this is not a hack, but is for a new Dark Jedi for my single player level im making.
Forget years of training and commitment!
I found a lightsaber in a garage and that makes me a Jedi! - DCM JK Special Edition
symbols message startup message newplayer message damaged message killed message user0 message user1 message pulse message timer message skill thing darkjedi mask=0xfff material tip_mat=saberred0.mat local material side_mat=saberred1.mat local template tpl_wall=+ssparks_wall local template tpl_blood=+ssparks_blood local template tpl_saber=+ssparks_saber local int victim local int forcepower local int forcepulse local int count local int limit local int dummy local template lightning=+force_lightning local sound lightningSound=ForceLightnin01.wav local template destProj=+force_dest_p4 local sound destSound=ForceDestruct01.wav local flex autoAimFOV=10 local flex autoAimMaxDist=5 local sound pullSound=ForcePull01.WAV local template tpl=BryarPistol local template tpl1=BryarPistol local template tpl2=BryarPistol local template tpl3=STrifle local template tpl4=SingleDetonator local template tpl5=Crossbow local template tpl6=RepeaterGun local template tpl7=RailGun local template tpl8=SingleSeqCharge local template tpl9=ConcRifle local int PulledWeapon local int okay local end # ======================================================================================== code startup: newplayer: jkSetSaberInfo(darkjedi, side_mat, tip_mat, 0.003, 0.001, 0.101, tpl_wall, tpl_blood, tpl_saber); jkSetFlags(darkjedi, 0x5); Return; # ........................................................................................ killed: SetPulse(0); jkSetFlags(darkjedi, 0x8); Return; # ........................................................................................ damaged: damage = GetParam(0); damageType = GetParam(1); if(damageType & 1) // IMPACT damage = damage / 2; else if(damageType & 2) // ENERGY damage = damage / 2; else if(damageType & 4) // FIRE damage = damage / 10; else if(damageType & 8) // FORCE damage = damage; else if(damageType & 16) // SABER damage = damage; ReturnEx(damage); Return; # ........................................................................................ user0: // Don't start using force powers until message is received if(okay == 0) return; victim = GetParam(0); forcepower = GetParam(1); if(forcepower == 1) { // Print("Force Power 1 : FORCE LIGHTNING..."); FireProjectile(darkjedi, lightning, lightningSound, 35, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', 1.0, 0, autoAimFOV, autoAimMaxDist); } else if(forcepower == 2) { // Print("Force Power 2 : FORCE DESTRUCTION"); AddDynamicTint(victim, 0.3, 0.0, 0.15); FireProjectile(darkjedi, destProj, destSound, 24, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', 1.0, 0, autoAimFOV, autoAimMaxDist ); } else if(forcepower == 3) { // Print("Force Power 3 : FORCE PULL"); if(!IsInvActivated(victim, 28)) { forcepulse = 4; SetPulse(0.1); } } Return; # ........................................................................................ pulse: if(forcepulse == 4) // FORCE PULL { SetPulse(0); if(GetHealth(victim) > 0) { if((GetCurWeapon(victim) != 1) && (GetCurWeapon(victim) != 10)) { PlayMode(darkjedi, 36); Sleep(0.3); PlaySoundThing(pullSound, victim, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x80); // Create a powerup corresponding to the current weapon PulledWeapon = CreateThingAtPos(tpl[GetCurWeapon(victim)], GetThingSector(victim), GetThingPos(victim), '0 0 0'); // Set the created powerup to no collide for now... SetCollideType(PulledWeapon, 0); // ...and set a timer to make it collide again later SetTimerEx(0.3, 1, PulledWeapon, 0); // Throw the powerup at the DJ ApplyForce(PulledWeapon, VectorScale(VectorNorm(VectorSub(GetThingPos(darkjedi), GetThingPos(victim))), 30)); // Remove the weapon from the player ChangeInv(victim, GetCurWeapon(victim), -1); SelectWeapon(victim, 1); } } } Return; # ........................................................................................ timer: if(GetSenderId() == 1) // Pull { // A pulled weapon must be made takeable again SetCollideType(GetParam(0), 1); // Set gravity to them so they don't float around SetPhysicsFlags(GetParam(0), 1); // Make the powerup last hours SetLifeLeft(GetParam(0), 36000); } Return; # ........................................................................................ skill: bin = GetParam(0); if(bin == 31) // Force Grip { ReturnEx(10); Return; } else if(bin == 34) // Deadly Sight { ReturnEx(5); Return; } ReturnEx(-1); Return; end
And just so you know, this is not a hack, but is for a new Dark Jedi for my single player level im making.
Forget years of training and commitment!
I found a lightsaber in a garage and that makes me a Jedi! - DCM JK Special Edition
Dont ask me how it works, it just does.