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ForumsCog Forum → 2 easy questions
2 easy questions
2001-05-29, 4:19 AM #1
I am reasonably new to level edititing and have a couple hopefully simpler cog ?'s

1st: I am attempting to use the PA System I DL'd from Massassi but when I try to enter the messages it says basicly its the wrong type. I have tried to enter the desired text and also edited the JK strings file. What exactly is a "flex" data type?

2nd: I know its possible to control who can go in and out of a sector in JK. For like CTF and team play. For exp setting a surface for no enemies and such. Is there a way to write a cog that will allow the level host only to enter a sector and no one else??

Thanks In Advance

"That's the Force for you... So much power, so many holes to fall into."

Jedi Master Labri
2001-05-29, 1:17 PM #2
1) A flex is a decimal number. It probably wants you to reference a unistring, post the cog.

2) Yes. The verb is 'isserver' or some such. Look it up.
2001-05-29, 6:08 PM #3
The verb is ... if(IsServer

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