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ForumsCog Forum → Door cogs
Door cogs
2001-05-31, 1:04 AM #1
I'm in the process of making a level, but I'm having a problem with the door cogs, because I have doors that have more than 4 sections, so using the standard cog wont work. My question is:
If I modify the door cog that comes with JK, can I then distribute that?
What is the code that looks at sectors and stuff all about in the door cog? I've not been quite able to figure it out.
Thanx for any help
Evil G
2001-05-31, 12:28 PM #2
I'm not sure what you mean by having doors with more than four sections? Do you want to use one cog with more than four doors at once? If you tell us exactly what you want to do we can help you out better.

If you modify a LEC cog you can give it a new name, put in the "cog" folder in your project directory, assign it in JED, and it will be packaged up in your GOB/GOO file with your level.

Sylvicolus JK homepage
If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to
patient observation than to any other reason. -Isaac Newton
Sylvicolus JK homepage
If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to
patient observation than to any other reason. -Isaac Newton
2001-05-31, 12:50 PM #3
Yeah, it wasn't clear was it...
I meant having a doorframe that was covered by more than four doors. I don't know if that makes sense. You know how "double-doors" have two doors in the doorway moving different directions? Well extend it to more than 4...8 to be precise. [shamelessplug]If you want to know more precisely go across to my First Release Sneak Peeks on the showcase forum.[/shamelessplug] One of the screenshots shows what I'm creating. Its a doorway covered with 8 of the 18_wedgedoor.3dos.
My question about can i distribute a modified cog was not so much technical as legal. GOBs which have parts of the game contained in them aren't allowed are they? I thought that distributing a GOB containing some cogs that came with JK (albeit in a modified form) may contravene the license agreement?

How do you get an evil herbivore?

Evil G

[This message has been edited by Evil_Giraffe (edited May 31, 2001).]
2001-06-01, 2:01 PM #4
As far as I know, modifying LEC cogs and including them in levels is OK. Does somebody know otherwise?

For the 8 parted door, yes, I saw your post about making the iris door, neat idea! To make/modify a cog you just need to have eight door things in the symbols section and add a moveto statement for each of the doors in the code section. Let me know if you want help with that. If so, let me know if you want the doors activated only by a switch (how many switches) or only by touching the doors (from both sides or only one side) or by both doors and switches, or by some other means such as entering the sector. Then it will be easy to write the cog for you. I'm guessing you can modify either the basic 00_door.cog or the 00_doorswitch.cog.

Sylvicolus JK homepage
If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to
patient observation than to any other reason. -Isaac Newton
Sylvicolus JK homepage
If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to
patient observation than to any other reason. -Isaac Newton
2001-06-02, 1:24 AM #5
The license agreement says a lot of things, such as you cannot insclude sounds that are made by lec, but if you look closely, you find a lot of things here are against it, anyhow, it is okay to modify a cog and rename it. LEC doesnt really care, well they have never done anything for doing it.

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I found a lightsaber in a garage and that makes me a Jedi!
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Dont ask me how it works, it just does.
2001-06-03, 11:51 PM #6
Editing LEC's cogs is not illegal. Cogscript is just a language that tells JK waht to do. It's not like you're editing a essay or anything.

As for the cog help, just edit the 00_door.cog by adding in more door things in the symbols.

As for the door sector stuff, here is the reason why that is there. In JK, all of the AI charactors (stormtroopers, grans, etc.) line of sight (aka LOS) is NOT blocked by 3dos (in other words, they can see through them). Because of this, enemies can see right through doors, which can make them act like idiots since they'll try to shoot thourgh the door you're on the other side. LEC decided to make the door cogs to disable this by making the adjoins of door's sector (the sector that the door is in) to unadjoin while the door is closed. When this happens, HOM (yes, I said HOM -- HOM is generated on PURPOSE) is created in the sector, blocking the view of all AI that try to see through the door. This is the reason why you sometimes see HOM effects at doorways when playing a MP game with lots of lag and why you should always have the door completely fit into the doorway in a level.

If you're planning on making this door function in MP only, you can just remove this effect by deleting all the "SetSectoradjoin()" cog verbs found in the cog. Don't do this if this is for a SP game since the AI characters will be able to see through the door if you do remove it.

-- SavageX

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