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ForumsCog Forum → Simple 00_generator cog modification needed
Simple 00_generator cog modification needed
2001-06-04, 10:18 AM #1
I need this cog:
It needs to be like the 00_generator cog except that each object will be destroyed after a changeable amount of seconds
The Situation:
The Sv_SetBrushModel: Null error has occurred in my map. This means that somewhere in my level, there is a paper-thin prush that needs to be deleted. There are 2888 brushes in my level. That's chances of 1/2888 of finding the correct brush. The statistics say I have a .035% chance of finding it.
Did I find it?
You bet I did.
2001-06-04, 11:56 AM #2
# Jedi Knight Cog Script
# Generic Dark Forces like enemy generator.
# [YB]
# 8/29 - RKD, added trapdoor, in case generator doesn't appear on certain difficulties
# 04/06/01 - Aglar, modified to destroy the generated things after delay is reached
# (C) 1997 LucasArts Entertainment Co. All Rights Reserved


thing			generator_pos							desc=generator_ghost
template		enemy_tpl								desc=enemy_to_generate
flex			initial_delay=300.0					desc=initial_delay
flex			generate_delay=30.0					desc=generate_delay
int			generate_num=5							desc=generate_number
int			max_alive=3								desc=max_alive
flex			min_dist=0.0							desc=min_dist
flex			max_dist=1000.0						desc=max_dist

int			enemy										local
int			cur_num=0								local
int			cur_alive=0								local
flex			distance=0.0							local
int			delay
message		startup
message		user0
message		timer
message		pulse
message		killed									mask=0xfff


## Code Section



	// if initial_delay == -1 then the generator will be started by SendMessage
	// user0 from another COG. Much like the WAKEUP message in DF...
	if (generator_pos == -1) return;	// if generator doesn't appear on this difficulty, quit
	if(initial_delay != -1) SetTimer(initial_delay);







	if((cur_alive < max_alive))
		distance = VectorDist(GetThingPos(generator_pos), GetThingPos(jkGetLocalPlayer()));
		if((distance >= min_dist) && (distance <= max_dist))
			if(!HasLOS(player, generator_pos))
				enemy = CreateThing(enemy_tpl, generator_pos);

				cur_num   = cur_num + 1;
				cur_alive = cur_alive + 1;
				SetLifeLeft(enemy, delay);
				// If we have generated enough enemies, end the pulse
				if(cur_num >= generate_num) SetPulse(0);



	// Note that this script is generic, so generated enemies won't drop powerups.
	// If dropped powerups are necessary, one script per enemy must be done...
	cur_alive = cur_alive - 1;



That should do it.
2001-06-04, 12:43 PM #3
Thanks Aglar! Ill go see if it works right now!
The Situation:
The Sv_SetBrushModel: Null error has occurred in my map. This means that somewhere in my level, there is a paper-thin prush that needs to be deleted. There are 2888 brushes in my level. That's chances of 1/2888 of finding the correct brush. The statistics say I have a .035% chance of finding it.
Did I find it?
You bet I did.
2001-06-04, 12:58 PM #4
Alright, to be honest I don't know if it will, I didn't test it.
2001-06-05, 4:23 AM #5
I tested it 3 minutes ago!! it works just right!! Thanx, Aglar!!!
The Situation:
The Sv_SetBrushModel: Null error has occurred in my map. This means that somewhere in my level, there is a paper-thin prush that needs to be deleted. There are 2888 brushes in my level. That's chances of 1/2888 of finding the correct brush. The statistics say I have a .035% chance of finding it.
Did I find it?
You bet I did.
2001-06-05, 9:17 AM #6
Really? I didn't think it..
I mean, yeah, I knew it would work []
You're welcome.
2001-06-05, 4:19 PM #7
Uh-oh, bad news for you aglar:

it was working fine, but now certain generators arent generating anything, and they aerent in any order....
The Situation:
The Sv_SetBrushModel: Null error has occurred in my map. This means that somewhere in my level, there is a paper-thin prush that needs to be deleted. There are 2888 brushes in my level. That's chances of 1/2888 of finding the correct brush. The statistics say I have a .035% chance of finding it.
Did I find it?
You bet I did.
2001-06-06, 1:20 AM #8
Hmm. I had expected a problem, but it was totaly different.
2001-06-09, 2:30 AM #9
Turns out it was a template problem on all but one...but this still wont work...
The Situation:
The Sv_SetBrushModel: Null error has occurred in my map. This means that somewhere in my level, there is a paper-thin prush that needs to be deleted. There are 2888 brushes in my level. That's chances of 1/2888 of finding the correct brush. The statistics say I have a .035% chance of finding it.
Did I find it?
You bet I did.
2001-06-09, 5:22 AM #10
A template problem?
2001-06-09, 10:56 AM #11
Yeah, i deleted some things, and then renamed a few, so it kindof messed the cogs up, all i had to do was delete and replace them
The Situation:
The Sv_SetBrushModel: Null error has occurred in my map. This means that somewhere in my level, there is a paper-thin prush that needs to be deleted. There are 2888 brushes in my level. That's chances of 1/2888 of finding the correct brush. The statistics say I have a .035% chance of finding it.
Did I find it?
You bet I did.
2001-06-09, 11:06 AM #12
I see, so it works?

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