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ForumsCog Forum → COG trouble...HELP!!!
COG trouble...HELP!!!
2001-06-15, 12:01 AM #1
Whenever I use COGs the level never works. I follow the tutorials word for word, doing everything they say, but it just doesn't work. I either go to test the level or play it as a GOB and the level will load, then JK will shut down before the level comes up. What's going on? Please, somebody help me if you can.
2001-06-15, 12:57 PM #2
Try posting the cogs here.
2001-06-15, 8:01 PM #3
There may be something wrong in the cogs, most likely. Use a program such as Cogwriter. You can get it from the programs section of massassi. Open up your cog in this program, and click on the check errors button in the toolbar.
Once I made a cog and it didn't work. I used this program and found there was 1 little ) in the wrong place. Cogs are very delicate things . . .

Major Lozza McG
Rebel Squadrons
Major Lozza McG
Rebel Squadrons

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