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ForumsCog Forum → Cog Question
Cog Question
2001-06-25, 3:02 PM #1
How could I make it so that when a player enters a sector through a hallway, but when they come back something moves in the way (debris, just rocks). I think I saw this kind of techniuqe in Evan C's PotE series.
"Intelligent people know of what they speak; fools speak of what they know."

- Minchas Shabbos Pirkei Avos 3:18 / Ethics Of The Fathers
2001-06-25, 6:09 PM #2
Does anyone know? I'm so pissed off that nobodys replying I'm about to scrap my level

[This message has been edited by GabrielBlumenthal (edited June 25, 2001).]
"Intelligent people know of what they speak; fools speak of what they know."

- Minchas Shabbos Pirkei Avos 3:18 / Ethics Of The Fathers
2001-06-25, 7:50 PM #3
Just take the cog out of Chaos Enternal
2001-06-26, 2:12 PM #4
What's the name of the cog????
"Intelligent people know of what they speak; fools speak of what they know."

- Minchas Shabbos Pirkei Avos 3:18 / Ethics Of The Fathers
2001-06-30, 7:56 AM #5
Can anyone help me?
"Intelligent people know of what they speak; fools speak of what they know."

- Minchas Shabbos Pirkei Avos 3:18 / Ethics Of The Fathers
2001-06-30, 8:23 AM #6
I don't know how much cog knowledge you have; but something like this could easily be created;
say you want to let the rocks fall from the ceiling; when you get close you could just use a 'entered' (enter sector) message or 'crossed' (cross adjoin)
use MoveToFrame(rockthing, 1, high value)
and use PlaySoundLocal to play a nice fallingrocky sound.
No idea if there allready is such a sound; elseway you'll have to find one somewhere else.
And shepards we shall be, for thee my lord for thee, power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command, and we shall flow a river forth to thee, in teeming with souls shall it ever be, in nomine patri, et fili, et spiritus sancti
2001-06-30, 1:41 PM #7
Open up Evan's level in JED, hit F7, look in the cogs and you could probably find it.. look how it works and either ask permission to use it or make your own (dont COPY it, make it).

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