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ForumsCog Forum → A question
A question
2001-07-04, 12:50 PM #1
i have a thing that has frames assigned to it this thing is the enemy. When the enemy gets killed I have the cog create a new enemy using code like this
enemy = CreateThing(enmytpl,ghost1);

then after it creates the new enemy I have the cog run the frames on the new enemy. So i want to know if the new enemy will keep the same frames as the old enemy. I somewhat doubt it but was wondering.
roses are red, violets are blue, I am schizophrenic, and I am too!
2001-07-04, 1:58 PM #2
Proberly not, try it.
2001-07-05, 11:03 AM #3
I would if i had the time to rienstall JK then get the cog working. I will try it at some point and tell u what happens though.
roses are red, violets are blue, I am schizophrenic, and I am too!

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