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This is the static archive of the Massassi Forums. The forums are closed indefinitely. Thanks for all the memories!

You can also download Super Old Archived Message Boards from when Massassi first started.

"View" counts are as of the day the forums were archived, and will no longer increase.

ForumsCog Forum → cog help
cog help
2001-07-05, 1:49 PM #1
i need eather a easy cog maker or a cog to make houses insantly like build. please help

"No pain no gain"
2001-07-05, 11:48 PM #2
LOL, I think it'll be a while before someone builds one of these! Unless you have some pre-made house 3dos, then I can help...

thing ghost
template house



SetThingModel(ghost, house);


Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.

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