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ForumsCog Forum → creating a thing in relation to an actor
creating a thing in relation to an actor
2001-07-08, 9:50 AM #1
im editing a force power to fire a template from a certain location but not an x/y/z location. I want a location thats at a fixed direction and distance in relation to the actor or inrelation to the victim actor. ive looked around but cant figure this one out im hoping the soulution is very simple and some one out there will have an answer.
sorry about the Caps, I wasnt aware of the rule.
2001-07-08, 1:28 PM #2
Just try FireProjectile, you may have to vectorsub if you want it to fire it at another thing.
2001-07-08, 4:31 PM #3
can a FireProjectile command only fire a projectile from an object to another?

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