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ForumsCog Forum → is this okay?
is this okay?
2001-07-10, 5:18 PM #1
ok, i have a cog from a level. i did not write it some1 else did. but i cannot get a hold of him. is it all right to use his/her cog as long i don;t relaease the lvel to the public? and use the cog for my own use?

If You Can't Beat It, Cheat It!
The Gas Station
2001-07-11, 2:18 AM #2
I think you can even publish it as long as you credit him.

You are all just jealous because you can't hear the small voices!!
2001-07-11, 3:37 AM #3
are you sure? i thought you had to have his permission to release it.
The Gas Station
2001-07-11, 5:38 AM #4
Na, just give him the credit. Who wouldn't want their name written somewhere for something they probably dont remember.

"Let my life cry Holy, Holy. Let my life scream Holy, Holy. I do believe that Your the only Way so let my life cry Holy..."

The Bible is the only religious book to actually state that it is the truth and the only way. Thats why I'm a Christian.

In my mind I can see your face, as Your love pours down in a shower of grace. Some people tell me that Your just a dream, but my faith is the evidence of things unseen.

Once upon a time God spoke to me, and then I was never the same again.


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