I appretiate it if somebody could modify this so there is a 5 second pause in between shots of this cog. What I mean is just to put a verb in there so people can't keep tapping the button. They can do it once. And then have to wait 5 seconds to do it again. THANKS!
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # # FORCE_BLINDING.COG # # FORCEPOWER Script - A powerful force push. # Bin 31 or 27 # # (C) 2001 LordXT_IJ # LucasArts Entertainment Company doesn't support this in any way. symbols thing player local thing victim local thing potential local flex mana local flex cost=50.0 local flex delay=400.0 local int rank local int count local int retval=0 local int dummy local flex dot local flex maxDot local sound blindingSound=forcethrow01.wav local template cone_tpl=+force_blind local int active=0 local message startup message activated message deactivated message pulse message timer message newplayer message killed message deselected message selected # ........................................................................................ # External animations keyframe push=kyfpull0.key local end # ======================================================================================== code startup: player = GetlocalPlayerThing(); Return; # ........................................................................................ activated: if(active) Return; mana = GetInv(player, 14); rank = GetInv(player, 24); if(mana >= cost) { victim = -1; active = 1; SetInvActivated(player, 27, 1); SetPulse(0.33); } Return; # ........................................................................................ pulse: // Check all things for our victim. victim = -1; maxDot = 0; // Search for all players and actors. potential = FirstThingInView(player, 30 + 15 * rank, 8, 0x404); while(potential != -1) { if( HasLOS(player, potential) && (potential != player) && (VectorDist(GetThingPos(player), GetThingPos(potential)) <= (1 + rank)) && !(GetThingFlags(potential) & 0x200) && !(GetActorFlags(potential) & 0x100) && !((jkGetFlags(potential) & 0x20) && !IsInvActivated(player, 23)) ) { dot = ThingViewDot(player, potential); if(dot > maxDot) { victim = potential; maxDot = dot; } } potential = NextThingInView(); } // If we have a victim... if(victim != -1) { jkSetTargetColors(1, 2, 3); jkSetTarget(victim); } else { jkEndTarget(); } Return; # ........................................................................................ deactivated: if((victim == -1) || (GetThingHealth(player) <= 0)) { call stop_power; Return; } SetPulse(0); jkEndTarget(); mana = GetInv(player, 14); if(mana >= cost) { if(GetInv(player, 65) != 1) ChangeInv(player, 14, -cost); SetBinWait(player, 27, 0.2); rank = GetInv(player, 27); SetTimer(delay); if(HasLOS(player, victim) && (victim != player)) { PlayMode(player, 24); PlayKey(player, push, 1, 0x38); PlaySoundThing(blindingSound, player, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x80); SendTrigger(-1, 270, player, randVec, 0, 0); DetachThing(victim); ApplyForce(victim, VectorScale(VectorNorm(VectorSub(GetThingPos(victim),GetThingPos(player))), 150 * rank)); } } active = 0; SetInvActivated(player, 27, 0); Return; # ........................................................................................ timer: // This checks that the thing ref is still assigned to the same thing // (remember he could have died and its refrence reassigned to a generated thing) Return; # ........................................................................................ selected: jkPrintUNIString(player, 27); Return; # ........................................................................................ deselected: call stop_power; Return; # ........................................................................................ killed: if(GetSenderRef() != player) Return; newplayer: call stop_power; Return; # ........................................................................................ stop_power: SetPulse(0); SetInvActivated(player, 27, 0); active = 0; jkEndTarget(); Return; end
Ohh Crap! - Darien Fawkes (The Invisible Man)