Okay, now with this COG you can grapple onto a ledge, pullyourself up, drop down, or shimmy left and right. Only problem is, you can only shimmy once, like .5 seconds after you touch the ledge. Take a look at the COG:
If I change the touched message to activated, it works fine. *Confused*. Also, the looping, hangking KEY occasionally sticks, and doesn't stop, even without proper (or what I THINK is proper..) code.
Any help would be great. Thanks.
[This message has been edited by Aglar (edited July 15, 2001).]
# Jedi Knight COG Script # # CliffHanger_MotS.COG # # Created by Emon. E-Mail: emon@coruscant.net - Zone: EJM_Emon - ICQ: 35960628 # Feel free to use this COG as long as credit is given in the readme file. # # Allows players to grapple onto ledges, shimmy left or right, fall, or pull themselves # up. # # # This COG is not supported by LucasArts Entertainment Co. flags=0x240 symbols thing Player local thing LeftStop thing RightStop keyframe HangAnim=cliffhang.key keyframe ClimbAnim=cliffclimb.key sound GrabSound=kylerun01.wav sound ShuffleSound=shuffle.wav surface Ledge1 int HangTrack local int Shimmy=0 local int Climbing=0 local int ShimmyCheck=0 local int NoHang=1 local flex VecX local flex VecY local flex VecZ=0 local vector upVel local vector playerVel local vector newVel local vector sideVel local vector newSideVel local message startup message touched message playeraction message pulse message damaged message timer end # ======================================================================================== code startup: Player = GetLocalPlayerThing(); SetCollideType(LeftStop, 0x0); SetCollideType(RightStop, 0x0); Return; touched: If(GetSenderRef() != Ledge1) Return; SetCollideType(LeftStop, 0x3); SetCollideType(RightStop, 0x3); If(GetThingAttachFlags(Player) == 1) Return; PlaySoundLocal(GrabSound, 1, 0, 0); SetPulse(.001); StopThing(Player); SetActorFlags(Player, 0x40000); ClearPhysicsFlags(Player, 0x1); HangTrack = PlayKey(Player, HangAnim, 1, 0x0); SetActionCog(GetSelfCog(), 0x7fffffff); Return; playeraction: If(GetParam(0) == 3 || GetParam(0) == 7 || GetParam(0) == 8) ReturnEx(0); else If(GetParam(0) == 11) { If(GetParam(2) == -1) { //Print("Left."); Call Shimmy_Left; } If(GetParam(2) == 1) { //Print("Right."); Call Shimmy_Right; } } else If(GetParam(0) == 13) { ReturnEx(0); StopKey(Player, HangTrack, NoHang); HangTrack=-1; SetActionCog(-1, 0); SetPhysicsFlags(Player, 0x1); ClearActorFlags(Player, 0x40000); SetPulse(0); SetCollideType(LeftStop, 0x0); SetCollideType(RightStop, 0x0); } else If(GetParam(0) == 2) { ReturnEx(0); If(Shimmy == 1) Return; Climbing = 1; StopKey(Player, HangTrack, NoHang); HangTrack=-1; SetActionCog(-1, 0); PlayKey(Player, ClimbAnim, 1, 0x38); Sleep(.5); PlaySoundLocal(ShuffleSound, 1, 0, 0); SetPhysicsFlags(Player, 0x1); ClearActorFlags(Player, 0x40000); upVel = VectorSet(0.0, 0.0, 1.5); playerVel = GetThingVel(player); newVel = VectorAdd(upVel, playerVel); SetThingVel(player, newVel); SetPulse(0); Climbing = 0; SetCollideType(LeftStop, 0x0); SetCollideType(RightStop, 0x0); } else ReturnEx(1); Return; pulse: If(GetAttachFlags(Player) == 1) { Hanging=0; StopKey(Player, HangTrack, NoHang); HangTrack=-1; SetActionCog(-1, 0); SetPhysicsFlags(Player, 0x1); ClearActorFlags(Player, 0x40000); SetPulse(0); SetCollideType(LeftStop, 0x0); SetCollideType(RightStop, 0x0); } Return; damaged: If(GetSenderRef() != Player) Return; StopKey(Player, HangTrack, NoHang); HangTrack=-1; SetActionCog(-1, 0); SetPhysicsFlags(Player, 0x1); ClearActorFlags(Player, 0x40000); SetPulse(0); SetCollideType(LeftStop, 0x0); SetCollideType(RightStop, 0x0); Return; Shimmy_Left: If(Climbing == 1 || ShimmyCheck == 1) Return; Shimmy = 1; ShimmyCheck = 1; sideVel = VectorScale((VectorNorm(VectorSub(GetThingPos(RightStop), GetThingPos(Player)))), 1.2); VecX = VectorX(sideVel); VecY = VectorY(sideVel); newSideVel = VectorSet(VecX, VecY, VecZ); SetThingVel(Player, newSideVel); Sleep(.1); StopThing(Player); SetTimer(.8); Shimmy = 0; Return; Shimmy_Right: If(Climbing == 1 || ShimmyCheck == 1) Return; Shimmy = 1; ShimmyCheck = 1; sideVel = VectorScale((VectorNorm(VectorSub(GetThingPos(LeftStop), GetThingPos(Player)))), 1.2); VecX = VectorX(sideVel); VecY = VectorY(sideVel); newSideVel = VectorSet(VecX, VecY, VecZ); SetThingVel(Player, newSideVel); Sleep(.1); StopThing(Player); SetTimer(.8); Shimmy = 0; Return; timer: ShimmyCheck = 0; Return; end
If I change the touched message to activated, it works fine. *Confused*. Also, the looping, hangking KEY occasionally sticks, and doesn't stop, even without proper (or what I THINK is proper..) code.
Any help would be great. Thanks.
[This message has been edited by Aglar (edited July 15, 2001).]
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.