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ForumsCog Forum → Sector Thrust
Sector Thrust
2001-07-24, 10:00 PM #1
Ok im like a newbie to cogs... I want to put a sector thrust that turns thru a couple sectors. How do I determine the vector or direction which it thrusts. Its in the form of (0/0/0). Thanks
2001-07-25, 6:09 AM #2
You can either:
1)Learn vectors
2)Take Geometry in school cuz they'll teach ya


ok, here's how the vectors work. Its all about a 3D axis and movement. The first number in the series is movement along the X axis (left to right on above view), the 2nd number is Y axis movement (north to south), and the final number is Z axis or movement up and down (cuz its a 3D game).

If your just turning through sectors, you probably dont need to use the last number (unless you really need to move up and down).

Simple directions are fairly simple. To go just to the east on the map, its (1/0/0). To the east, or right, is a positive direction for the X axis. If you wanted to go the other way to the west, simply make it negative, (-1/0/0). Y axis works the same, north is (0/1/0), and south is (0/-1/0). The Z axis really works the same too, but you should get it now.

It gets more complicated going in directions at other angles, but still easy enough to learn that if you want to go in a North-east direction its (1/1/0). Its mainly a variation of learning slopes in geometry, only it points out directions on a 3D grid. You should be able to understand it now, right?

"I hear You speak and I obey
I walked away from the grave
I will never be the same
I gave my life away"

The Bible is the only religious book to actually state that it is the truth and the only way. Thats why I'm a Christian.

In my mind I can see your face, as Your love pours down in a shower of grace. Some people tell me that Your just a dream, but my faith is the evidence of things unseen.

Once upon a time God spoke to me, and then I was never the same again.

2001-07-25, 6:12 AM #3
there's a couple tutorials here for that. the easiest thing to do though is to get VecCalc from the plugins section and read how to use it. the three zeros there represent the x, y, and z planes, in that order. to get a thrust that goes in the positive x direction it would read (1/0/0), likewise to get a thrust in the negative y direction it would read (0/-1/0). if it isn't straight in either the x, y, or z plane then you'll have to calculate it.

"the mouse is my chisel."
MotS mp:
Little House of Hazards
Surface Disposal Outpost
"the mouse is my chisel."
MotS mp:
Little House of Hazards
Surface Disposal Outpost
2001-07-25, 6:16 AM #4
actually, Matrix, if it's in the North-east direction, each number for x and y should be less than 1 [like (0.71/0.71/0.00), to be exact].
"the mouse is my chisel."
MotS mp:
Little House of Hazards
Surface Disposal Outpost
2001-07-25, 6:18 AM #5
(or just learn how to do it f00....) lol VecCal.... bah

Wha? It doesnt have to be lower than one. Its almost just like slopes in Geometry. One up and one across is an exact diagonal direction. So is your .71 or whatever. If both the numbers are the same in the X and Y spot, then it comes out diagonal... thats that, doesnt matter if you use (910/910/0) it'll still come out north-east diagonal
"I hear You speak and I obey
I walked away from the grave
I will never be the same
I gave my life away"

The Bible is the only religious book to actually state that it is the truth and the only way. Thats why I'm a Christian.


[This message has been edited by JFA_Matrix (edited July 25, 2001).]
In my mind I can see your face, as Your love pours down in a shower of grace. Some people tell me that Your just a dream, but my faith is the evidence of things unseen.

Once upon a time God spoke to me, and then I was never the same again.


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