Okay, here's the deal. I was just fooling around and thought of making a small mod called "Jawa Tag" - which is basically "Smeer the Queer" for JK. It's similar to KFY in gameplay, (and NO I didn't steal any code) but I'm having one bug. I'm going to replace the power boost with the jawa 'icon' so that this mod can be played in any level. I'm having trouble capturing the icon though. Any ideas? Here is the powerup cog:
And also the main game cog:
Things happen in JK, but it just doesn't happen directly when I touch the power boost.
(BTW, I found a way for multiple .pup setups in multiplayer. It's a hack, but it seems to work. --And it's not ParseArg()!!!)
Thanks ahead of time.
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # # POW_POWERBOOST.COG # # POWERUP Script - Powerboost # # * Modified for Jawa Tag purposes # # # # [YB] # # (C) 1997 LucasArts Entertainment Co. All Rights Reserved symbols thing powerup local int powerup_pos=-1 local message touched end # ======================================================================================== code touched: powerup = GetSenderRef(); powerup_pos = GetThingPos(GetSenderRef()); SendTrigger(-1, 5641, powerup, powerup_pos, -1, -1); Return; end
And also the main game cog:
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # # JT_MAIN.COG # # * This script is losely based on CTF_MAIN.COG and KFY_MAIN.COG. # No code was directly taken from KFY_MAIN.COG, it was merely # used as a reference. Extensive code was taken from CTF_MAIN.COG. # # # Copyright 2001 - Tazz - tazztazz@hotmail.com symbols int captured=0 local int jawa=-1 local int verbose=3 local # FOR DEBUG int time_limit=0 local int score_limit=0 local int level_started=0 local int level_ended=0 local int game_started=0 local int hi_score=-1 local int hi_player=-1 local int player local int killer local int leaveplayer=0 local int senderRef=0 local int sourceRef=0 local int lock_touch=0 local int play_sounds=1 local int dummy local int count=0 local # Scoring Section int became_the_jawa=7 local flex pulse_score=1.0 local int suicide=-2 local int kill_jawa=3 local flex return_time=60.0 local # Sounds Section sound pickupsnd=ForceThrow01.WAV local sound scoresnd=ForceThrow01.WAV local sound alarmsnd=00AlarmLoop01.WAV local sound successsnd=Accomplish1.WAV local # New Symbols Secton model jawa_mdl=jawa.3do local model jawa_icon_mdl=boost.3do local thing jawa_icon local template jawa_icon_ghost=ghost local template jawa_icon_tpl=powerboost local int jawa_icon_pos local message startup message touched message timer message killed message leave message join message pulse # Triggers # # 1001 - ICONS# # # Misc. # # Captured 2=yes, 1=no end # ======================================================================================== code startup: player = GetLocalPlayerThing(); CaptureThing(player); SetMasterCOG(GetSelfCOG()); if(verbose > 2) Print("Jawa Tag: Startup Evt"); // SERVER ONLY startup: if(IsServer() || !IsMulti()) { // Initialize Time limit if(GetMultiModeFlags() & 0x8) { time_limit = GetTimeLimit(); if(time_limit > 0) SetTimerEx(time_limit * 60, 9998, 0, 0); ClearMultiModeFlags(0x8); } // Initialize Score limit if(GetMultiModeFlags() & 0x10) { score_limit = GetScoreLimit(); ClearMultiModeFlags(0x10); } // Nobody can become the jawa for 30 seconds SetTimerEx(30, 9997, 0, 0); } //Inventory SetInv(player, 63, 0.0); SetInvActivated(player, 63, 0); //Create ghost at position of jawa icon (to teleport back to later) CreateThingAtPos(jawa_icon_ghost, GetThingSector(jawa_icon),GetThingPos(jawa_icon), -1); // Send the Welcome information, but delay it by 2 seconds SetTimerEx(2, 9996, player, 0); Return; # ........................................................................................ pulse: // Add score if captured, and display score occasionally if(captured == 2) { SetPlayerScore(jawa, GetPlayerScore(jawa) + pulse_score); if(GetPlayerScore(jawa) > hi_score) { hi_score = GetPlayerScore(jawa); hi_player = jawa; call check_score_limit; } //Score display count = count + 1; if(count > 4) { count = 0; jkStringClear(); jkStringConcatPlayerName(jawa); jkStringConcatSpace(); jkStringConcatASCIIString(", (the current Jawa) has a score of: "); jkStringConcatInt(GetPlayerScore(jawa)); jkStringOutput(-3, -1); } } Return; # ........................................................................................ join: player = GetSenderRef(); // Send the Welcome information, but delay it by 2 seconds SetTimerEx(2, 9996, player, 0); Return; # ........................................................................................ leave: leaveplayer = GetSenderRef(); if(GetInv(leaveplayer, 63) > 0.0) { // Remove the icon // Send a TRIGGER_ICON with its parameters SendTrigger(leaveplayer, 1001, 63, 0, 0, 0); // Remove the jawa power from the player's inventory SetInv(leaveplayer, 63, 0.0); captured = 1; //Return icon to original positon SetTimerEx(2, 1, 0, 0); } Return; # ........................................................................................ //might have to do touched: message in powerup cog, then send a trigger for the FX touched: if(!game_started) Return; // Exit if one of the limits has been reached if(level_ended != 0) Return; player = GetSourceRef(); // sometimes a dead/dying player can score // Health is not synched, so use SITH_TF_DYING instead if(GetThingFlags(player) & 0x200) Return; senderRef = GetSenderRef(); // If(GetThingModel(senderRef) != jawa_icon_mdl) Return; if(senderRef == jawa_icon) if(verbose > 2) Print("Jawa Tag: Touched Evt"); { if(level_ended != 0) Return; if(play_sounds) { PlaySoundGlobal(pickupsnd, 1, 0, 4); // Play an alarm sound KillTimerEx(9995); SetTimerEx(1, 9995, 0, 0); } if(verbose > 0) { //Broadcast text notification -someone became the jawa jkStringClear(); jkStringConcatPlayerName(player); jkStringConcatSpace(); jkStringConcatASCIIString("is the Jawa!"); jkStringOutput(-3, -1); } // Set the player's model to fully lit SetThingLightMode(player, 0); // Set an icon // Send a TRIGGER_ICON with its parameters SendTrigger(player, 1001, 63, 1, 0, 0); //Destroy original jawa icon DestroyThing(jawa_icon); jawa = player; //Change model and puppet mode SetThingModel(jawa, jawa_mdl); SetArmedMode(jawa, 6); // Increment player score SetPlayerScore(jawa, GetPlayerScore(jawa) + became_the_jawa); if(GetPlayerScore(jawa) > hi_score) { hi_score = GetPlayerScore(jawa); hi_player = jawa; call check_score_limit; } captured = 2; } Return; # ........................................................................................ timer: // Send the icon back if(GetSenderId() == 1) { if(captured == 1) { if(play_sounds) dummy = PlaySoundThing(returnsnd, jawa_icon, 1.0, -1, -1, 0); CreateThingAtPos(jawa_icon_tpl, GetThingSector(jawa_icon_ghost),GetThingPos(jawa_icon_ghost), -1); if(verbose > 0) { jkStringClear(); jkConcatASCIIString("The Jawa Icon is up for grabs!"); jkStringOutput(-3, -1); } captured = 0; Return; } } else // unlock touched: messages if(GetSenderId() == 9990) { lock_touch = 0; } else // play success sound if(GetSenderId() == 9994) { PlaySoundGlobal(successsnd, 1, 0, 4); } else // play alarm sound if(GetSenderId() == 9995) { PlaySoundGlobal(alarmsnd, 1, 0, 4); } else // Time to display the welcome info for a new player if(GetSenderId() == 9996) { if(verbose > 1) { player = GetParam(0); jkStringClear(); jkStringConcatASCIIString("Welcome to Jawa Tag, "); jkStringConcatSpace(); jkStringConcatPlayerName(player); jkStringConcatASCIIString("!"); jkStringClear(); if(time_limit != 0) { jkStringConcatASCIIString("Time Limit: "); jkStringConcatInt(time_limit); jkStringConcatSpace(); jkStringConcatSpace(); } if(score_limit != 0) { jkStringConcatASCIIString("Score Limit: "); jkStringConcatInt(score_limit); } jkStringOutput(player, -1); } } else // Start the game if(GetSenderId() == 9997) { game_started = 1; } else // The event comes from the level's timelimit being reached // Just check that a limit has not been reached before... if(GetSenderId() == 9998) { if(level_ended != 0) Return; if(verbose > 2) Print("Time limit reached"); level_ended = 2; call end_level; } else // End the level if(GetSenderId() == 9999) { SyncScores(); jkEndLevel(1); } Return; # ........................................................................................ killed: if(verbose > 2) Print("Jawa Tag: Killed Evt"); senderRef = GetSenderRef(); sourceRef = GetSourceRef(); // Exit if killed: was sent by anything else than a thing if(GetSenderType() != 3) Return; // Exit if killed: was sent by one of the flags // (powerups send killed: event when taken too...) if(senderRef == jawa_icon) Return; player = senderRef; //Return the icon to its home if(GetInv(player, 63) > 0.0) { // Remove the icon // Send a TRIGGER_ICON with its parameters SendTrigger(leaveplayer, 1001, 63, 0, 0, 0); // Remove the jawa power from the player's inventory SetInv(leaveplayer, 63, 0.0); captured = 1; //Return icon to original positon SetTimerEx(2, 1, 0, 0); // Set the player's model to Gouraud lit SetThingLightMode(player, 3); jawa = -1; if(killer != player) { // Increment player score SetPlayerScore(killer, GetPlayerScore(killer) + kill_jawa); } //return the icon immediately SetTimerEx(0.5, 1, 0, 0); if(verbose > 0) { jkStringClear(); jkStringConcatPlayerName(jawa); jkStringConcatSpace(); jkStringConcatASCIIString("died."); jkStringOutput(-3, -1); } } else { //Add 1 to the killer score killer = GetThingParent(sourceRef); if(killer != player) { // Increment player score SetPlayerScore(killer, GetPlayerScore(killer) + 1); } } Return; # ........................................................................................ trigger: // Handle only TRIGGER_JAWA_ICON_POS if(GetSourceRef() != 5641) Return; jawa_icon = GetParam(0); jawa_icon_pos = GetParam(1); Return; # ======================================================================================== show_end: if(verbose > 0) { // Space jkStringConcatSpace(); if(level_ended == 1) { jkStringConcatASCIIString("Score Limit Reached! Ending Game"); } if(level_ended == 2) { jkStringConcatASCIIString("Time Limit Reached! Ending Game"); } // Space jkStringConcatSpace(); jkStringOutput(-3,-1); } Return; # ........................................................................................ end_level: SyncScores(); call show_end; // display final scores KillTimerEx(9997); SetTimerEx(3, 9997, 0, 0); // until it is time to quit the level SetTimerEx(4, 9999, 0, 0); Return; # ........................................................................................ check_score_limit: // there must be a score limit if(score_limit <= 0) Return; if(hi_score >= score_limit) { level_ended = 1; call end_level; } Return; end
Things happen in JK, but it just doesn't happen directly when I touch the power boost.
(BTW, I found a way for multiple .pup setups in multiplayer. It's a hack, but it seems to work. --And it's not ParseArg()!!!)
Thanks ahead of time.
-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance