Having a bit of trouble with my Cliff Hanger COG and GetThingPos(); When you touch the surface, it stores your position on the Z axis, or verticle axis. Then, the pulse should kick you off anytime that your position on the Z axis changes (climbing excluded). I've removed everything else in the pulse check except the debug print, which works. It prints the vector correctly, so I know GetThingPos is working, but for some reason, it doesn't drop me from the ledge! Here's the COG:
# Jedi Knight COG Script # # CliffHanger_MotS.COG # # Created by Emon. E-Mail: emon@coruscant.net - Zone: EJM_Emon - ICQ: 35960628 # Feel free to use this COG as long as credit is given in the readme file. # # Allows players to grapple onto ledges, shimmy left or right, fall, or pull themselves # up. # # Buttons: # Shimmy Left = Cycle Force left # Shimmy Right = Cycle Force right # Drop = Use Force # Climb Up = Activate / Use # # This COG is not supported by LucasArts Entertainment Co. flags=0x240 symbols thing Player local thing LeftStop thing RightStop keyframe HangAnim=cliffhang.key local keyframe ClimbAnim=cliffclimb.key local keyframe ShimmyRight=shimmyright.key local keyframe ShimmyLeft=shimmyleft.key local sound GrabSound=kylerun01.wav sound ShuffleSound=shuffle.wav surface Ledge1 linkid=1 int HangTrack local int Shimmy=0 local int Climbing=0 local int ShimmyCheck=0 local int NoHang=.1 local int Hanging=0 local int OldHealth local int OldShield local flex VecX local flex VecY local flex VecZ=0 local vector upVel local vector playerVel local vector newVel local vector sideVel local vector newSideVel local vector OldLook local vector OldPosition local message startup message touched message playeraction message pulse message timer end # ======================================================================================== code startup: Player = GetLocalPlayerThing(); SetCollideType(LeftStop, 0x0); SetCollideType(RightStop, 0x0); Return; touched: If(GetSenderID() == 1) { If(GetThingAttachFlags(Player) == 1) Return; If(GetThingHealth(Player) == 0) Return; If(Hanging == 1) Return; OldLook = VectorScale(GetSurfaceNormal(Ledge1), -1); OldHealth = GetThingHealth(Player); OldShield = GetInv(Player, 60); OldPosition = VectorSet(0, 0, (VectorZ(GetThingPos(Player)))); PrintVector(OldPosition); Hanging = 1; SetCollideType(LeftStop, 0x3); SetCollideType(RightStop, 0x3); PlaySoundLocal(GrabSound, 1, 0, 0); SetPulse(.001); StopThing(Player); SetActorFlags(Player, 0x40000); ClearPhysicsFlags(Player, 0x1); HangTrack = PlayKey(Player, HangAnim, 1, 0x0); SetActionCog(GetSelfCog(), 0x7fffffff); } Return; playeraction: If(GetParam(0) == 3 || GetParam(0) == 7 || GetParam(0) == 8) ReturnEx(0); else If(GetParam(0) == 11) { If(GetParam(2) == -1) { ReturnEx(0); Call Shimmy_Left; } If(GetParam(2) == 1) { ReturnEx(0); Call Shimmy_Right; } } else If(GetParam(0) == 13) { ReturnEx(0); Call Detach_Player; } else If(GetParam(0) == 2) { ReturnEx(0); If(Shimmy == 1) Return; Climbing = 1; StopKey(Player, HangTrack, NoHang); HangTrack=-1; SetActionCog(-1, 0); PlayKey(Player, ClimbAnim, 1, 0x38); Sleep(.5); PlaySoundLocal(ShuffleSound, 1, 0, 0); SetPhysicsFlags(Player, 0x1); ClearActorFlags(Player, 0x40000); upVel = VectorSet(0.0, 0.0, 1.5); playerVel = GetThingVel(player); newVel = VectorAdd(upVel, playerVel); SetThingVel(player, newVel); SetPulse(0); Climbing = 0; SetCollideType(LeftStop, 0x0); SetCollideType(RightStop, 0x0); Hanging = 0; } else ReturnEx(1); Return; pulse: SetThingLook(Player, OldLook); // If(GetInv(Player, 60) < OldShield || GetThingHealth(Player) < OldHealth) // Call Detach_Player; // If(GetAttachFlags(Player) == 1) // Call Detach_Player; // If((IsInvActivated(Player, 21))) // Call Detach_Player; PrintVector(VectorSet(0, 0, (VectorZ(GetThingPos(Player))))); If(VectorSet(0, 0, (VectorZ(GetThingPos(Player)))) != OldPosition) Call Detach_Player; Return; Shimmy_Left: If(Climbing == 1 || ShimmyCheck == 1) Return; Shimmy = 1; ShimmyCheck = 1; sideVel = VectorScale((VectorNorm(VectorSub(GetThingPos(RightStop), GetThingPos(Player)))), 1.05); VecX = VectorX(sideVel); VecY = VectorY(sideVel); newSideVel = VectorSet(VecX, VecY, VecZ); StopKey(Player, HangTrack, NoHang); HangTrack=-1; PlayKey(Player, ShimmyLeft, 1, 0x38); PlaySoundLocal(ShuffleSound, 1, 0, 0); Sleep(.15); HangTrack = PlayKey(Player, HangAnim, 1, 0x0); SetThingVel(Player, newSideVel); Sleep(.1); StopThing(Player); SetTimer(.3); Shimmy = 0; Return; Shimmy_Right: If(Climbing == 1 || ShimmyCheck == 1) Return; Shimmy = 1; ShimmyCheck = 1; sideVel = VectorScale((VectorNorm(VectorSub(GetThingPos(LeftStop), GetThingPos(Player)))), 1.05); VecX = VectorX(sideVel); VecY = VectorY(sideVel); newSideVel = VectorSet(VecX, VecY, VecZ); StopKey(Player, HangTrack, NoHang); HangTrack=-1; PlayKey(Player, ShimmyRight, 1, 0x38); PlaySoundLocal(ShuffleSound, 1, 0, 0); Sleep(.15); HangTrack = PlayKey(Player, HangAnim, 1, 0x0); SetThingVel(Player, newSideVel); Sleep(.1); StopThing(Player); SetTimer(.3); Shimmy = 0; Return; timer: ShimmyCheck = 0; Return; Detach_Player: StopKey(Player, HangTrack, NoHang); HangTrack=-1; SetActionCog(-1, 0); SetPhysicsFlags(Player, 0x1); ClearActorFlags(Player, 0x40000); SetPulse(0); SetCollideType(LeftStop, 0x0); SetCollideType(RightStop, 0x0); Hanging = 0; Return; end
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.