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ForumsCog Forum → addin cog help
addin cog help
2001-07-27, 9:15 AM #1
yeh whenever i go to placed cogs my prject directory is not there so i need help...any ideas..anyone?

I have killed and i have been killed
2001-07-28, 1:00 PM #2
you put it in your projectdirectory\cog folder?

"I hear You speak and I obey
I walked away from the grave
I will never be the same
I gave my life away"

The Bible is the only religious book to actually state that it is the truth and the only way. Thats why I'm a Christian.

In my mind I can see your face, as Your love pours down in a shower of grace. Some people tell me that Your just a dream, but my faith is the evidence of things unseen.

Once upon a time God spoke to me, and then I was never the same again.


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