Just so you know, if a door is open 3/4 of the way, you can still make it through....
But you could either make 4 small strips and have each move up when you touch a switch, or you could just make the cog that every time you hit a different switch it makes it go to the next frame.... which isnt that hard really.... in most cogs you can set the sleep between frames to -1 and it wont move again unless you push it or the switch again, so if you get lucky, you could find a cog like that, I think it would do it for any switch over and over again, so you'll probably need to edit a cog or make your own.... ok I'm gonna shut up now cuz I dont know even how a symbols section works....
"I hear You speak and I obey
I walked away from the grave
I will never be the same
I gave my life away"
The Bible is the only religious book to actually state that it is the truth and the only way. Thats why I'm a Christian.
In my mind I can see your face, as Your love pours down in a shower of grace. Some people tell me that Your just a dream, but my faith is the evidence of things unseen.
Once upon a time God spoke to me, and then I was never the same again.