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ForumsCog Forum → what did i do wrong
what did i do wrong
2001-08-10, 1:11 PM #1
I made this cog using a template a friend gave me and it doesnt work, why not?



thing console desc=console

template proj_tpl=+concbullet
thing tdg1 nolink,desc=tdg1
thing tdg2 nolink,desc=tdg2
thing tdg3 nolink,desc=tdg3
thing tdg4 nolink,desc=tdg4

int rounds=2 desc=rounds

flex rate=0.1 desc=rate
flex delay=3.0 desc=delay

int firing=0 local
int cur_round=0 local
int dummy local

sound on_snd=set_hi2.wav local
sound off_snd=lgclick1.wav local

message activated


# ========================================================================================


if(firing == 1) Return;

firing = 1;
dummy = SetWallCel(console, 1);
dummy = PlaySoundPos(on_snd, SurfaceCenter(console), 1.0, 5.0, 10.0, 0);

cur_round = 0;
while(cur_round < rounds)
dummy = CreateThing(proj_tpl, tdg1);
dummy = CreateThing(proj_tpl, tdg2);
dummy = CreateThing(proj_tpl, tdg3);
dummy = CreateThing(proj_tpl, tdg4);

cur_round = cur_round + 1;

dummy = SetWallCel(console, 0);
dummy = PlaySoundPos(off_snd, SurfaceCenter(console), 1.0, 5.0, 10.0, 0);
firing = 0;

"I never knew what life was until it ran out in a red gush over my lips, my hands."
2001-08-11, 6:40 AM #2
someone help me please!!!
"I never knew what life was until it ran out in a red gush over my lips, my hands."
2001-08-11, 1:32 PM #3
Whats the problem ? , what happens when you activated it ??
2001-08-11, 2:46 PM #4
seifer, and...seifer.
which one of you guys did I give the drumkit to? just wondering. []
Brian is not a god...or a punk.
2001-08-11, 4:47 PM #5
you gave it to me,

but when the console is activated nothing happens, i think i might know whats wrong, but not sure, wont work
"I never knew what life was until it ran out in a red gush over my lips, my hands."

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