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ForumsCog Forum → I am in major need of help in cogging.
I am in major need of help in cogging.
2001-08-11, 9:47 AM #1
I need two seperate cogs or both combined into one. One cog does this: It makes steam that rises countinually at a ghost position (about 20 ghost positions)such as the steam that rises from your shot wen you shoot a force field with an energy weapon. That's easy enough.
The second cog is a bit trickier. WHen you flip a specified surface switch, the steam stops, and lightning starts randomly coming from about 30 ghost positions. Is this possible?
2001-08-11, 1:29 PM #2
Here You Go ...

# Jedi Knight Cog Script
# steam_trap.cog
# Made by *_Seifer_*


thing		steam0					local
thing		steam1					local
thing		steam2					local
thing		steam3					local
thing		steam4					local
thing		steam5					local
thing		steam6					local
thing		steam7					local
thing		steam8					local
thing		steam9					local
thing		steam10					local
thing		steam11					local
thing		steam12					local
thing		steam13					local
thing		steam14					local
thing		steam15					local
thing		steam16					local
thing		steam17					local
thing		steam18					local
thing		steam19					local
thing		ghost0					local
thing		ghost1					local
thing		ghost2					local
thing		ghost3					local
thing		ghost4					local
thing		ghost5					local
thing		ghost6					local
thing		ghost7					local
thing		ghost8					local
thing		ghost9					local
thing		ghost10					local
thing		ghost11					local
thing		ghost12					local
thing		ghost13					local
thing		ghost14					local
thing		ghost15					local
thing		ghost16					local
thing		ghost17					local
thing		ghost18					local
thing		ghost19					local
thing		ghost20					local
thing		ghost21					local
thing		ghost22					local
thing		ghost23					local
thing		ghost24					local
thing		ghost25					local
thing		ghost26					local
thing		ghost27					local
thing		ghost28					local
thing		ghost29					local
template	steam_temp=					local
int		rand						local
int		i						local
int		mode=0					local
flex		autoAimXFOV=60				local
flex        autoAimZFOV=60     			local
template    lightning=+force_lightning          local
sound       fireSound=LTSaberHit05.wav          local

message      startup   
message	 activated 
message	 pulse                                   


# ========================================================================================





# ........................................................................................


if(mode == 0) mode=1;
else mode=0;


# ........................................................................................


if(mode == 0)
 for(i=0; i<19; i=i+1)
CreateThing(steam_temp, steam0);
FireProjectile(ghost0[rand], lightning, fireSound, 24, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', 1.0, 0x60, autoAimXFOV, autoaimZFOV);



Okay just attatch this cog to the surface that you want activated .... you will need to put in the empty template for the steam. Other then that, it should be fine, if you find that the lightning is firing to fast from random ghost to ghost , after the fireprojectile put Sleep(seconds) to slow it down.

Have fun Zell
2001-08-12, 6:31 AM #3
Well, thanks, but I meant in single player, not a trap. you flip the switch, the steam stops, and lightning like the red pool with lightning in level 3 in JK. It starts as soon as you flip the switch no matter whether you're in the sector or not. Thanx forthe cog anyways. []
2001-08-12, 5:57 PM #4
Ehhhh ? , sectors , ummmm ..... I don't see anything in there about sectors , you sohuld of told me it was for single.
2001-08-13, 6:51 AM #5
Oops. Sorry about that.

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