I want to make a cog that checks what health you are on, say 50, and then change the 3d0 model. The idea came to me when thinking it would be quite good to have wounded Kyle's all runnin about the place with bandages on there heads. Is it possible to do this if so can somebody help me to do it.
'The God of Death is Back from Hell' - Duo Maxwell
'I'll Kill Zechs, that will be my way of saying thanks' - Heero Yuy
'You can try and kill me, but I might struggle a bit' - Trowa Barton
'The God of Death is Back from Hell' - Duo Maxwell
'I'll Kill Zechs, that will be my way of saying thanks' - Heero Yuy
'You can try and kill me, but I might struggle a bit' - Trowa Barton