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ForumsCog Forum → SyncThingState
2001-08-09, 3:21 PM #1

just a question about SyncThingState (or was it SyncStateThing?).
Imagine I am checking a player's flags over the network. If the flags equal something I want to output a message locally. However, the lag ruins this idea because GetActorFlags returns the flags as the local pc /currently/ knows them.. however they may have changed already, just the information hasnt yet travelled over the network...

Long story, short question, will SyncThingState help me to avoid this and will it stop the execution of the code following until the state is synched?

Thanks in advance,
You are all just jealous because you can't hear the small voices!!
2001-08-11, 3:18 AM #2
Anyone? Please, I need help on that one =)
You are all just jealous because you can't hear the small voices!!
2001-08-12, 5:59 PM #3
Hmmmm I really don't know about sync thing state. Instead to get a accurt flag readings i suggest person 1 sends a trigger to person 2 who sends back to person 1 there current flags. As long as theres no packet loss , it will return the real flags of the person 2 to person 1

I hope that works =)
2001-08-13, 4:18 AM #4
That sounds like a good idea, heh =) thanks..

btw, there is no way to implement a sleep(ping); , is there? =)
You are all just jealous because you can't hear the small voices!!
2001-08-28, 8:34 AM #5
Mmh, anyone got another idea on how to prevent this?

You are all just jealous because you can't hear the small voices!!

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