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ForumsCog Forum → two coglines needed
two coglines needed
2001-09-04, 6:57 AM #1
I have two problems for which I think there's a simple solution in the shape of just one line of cog but since I couldn't find them with cogref's search function I thought I'd try if someone here knows.
the things I want to have done are:

-A civilian (nman2.3do) should always stay where he is as I place him (unless bumped away by a person) and not walk arround.

-In a cutscene I want to let the walkplayer walk to e specific coordinate. (or can I use frames and then use movetoframe?)
And shepards we shall be, for thee my lord for thee, power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command, and we shall flow a river forth to thee, in teeming with souls shall it ever be, in nomine patri, et fili, et spiritus sancti
2001-09-04, 4:34 PM #2
1. That's all in the AI...just make sure the AI doesn't have any commands and he will do exactly that.

2. Use ApplyForce(); But make sure to not detach the player. If your pushed like this w/o detaching it will look like walking. Also try using StopThing(); to halt all motion on the player, and use ApplyForce w/ negative vectors to reduce speed. You should also check out that Infernal DM level here at Massassi. On the upper floors there are these rooms that when you press a button to open the door, it changes the camera view and walks the player inside. Hope I helped.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.

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