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ForumsCog Forum → Need help w/ "M2_turrettrap.cog"
Need help w/ "M2_turrettrap.cog"
2001-09-04, 6:19 AM #1
I'm making a Death Match level and I'm using...excuse me...TRYING TO USE the turret trap cog from the "Nar Shadda Loading Terminal." I have set it all up just like in the LucasArts level, but it won't work. The switch won't even activate. Is there some secret to getting this to work? Please help.

"I don't want to fly in that! I want my giggle back!" - Loke - Thumb Wars
God Bless America!
2001-09-05, 5:45 PM #2
Doesn't anyone else know anything about how to use this cog? Am I the first editer to use it? I find that a little hard to accept. Come on, please help. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease []

"I don't want to fly in that! I want my giggle back!" - Loke - Thumb Wars
God Bless America!
2001-09-05, 6:36 PM #3
If you use any of the cogs from the LEC multiplayer levels, you _must_ extract the cog manually and copy it to your project's cog directory.

Give that a try.


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Raynar - the man with a 10.75" ePenis
2001-09-06, 1:24 PM #4
Hey thanks Raynar. That did the trick.

"I don't want to fly in that! I want my giggle back!" - Loke - Thumb Wars
God Bless America!

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