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ForumsCog Forum → cog help
cog help
2001-09-12, 9:30 AM #1
okay since i haven't cogged for nearly 8 months i have forgot all the verbs and would like to know what to use to do this: i have a int in a cog called actor_sm.cog the int is called req. OKay then i have another cog called actor_bm.cog and when he gets killed i want the actor_bm.cog to add 1 to the int req in the actor_sm.cog, what verb should i use and how do i use it? thanks hope someone can understand this babble.
roses are red, violets are blue, I am schizophrenic, and I am too!
2001-09-12, 3:11 PM #2
someone help please!
roses are red, violets are blue, I am schizophrenic, and I am too!
2001-09-12, 6:42 PM #3
Since no one else has replied, I'll try.

I would send a trigger from the killed message of actor_bm to the actor_sm cog. And when actor_sm receives the trigger, increment req by 1.

The killed message of actor_bm:

#whatever you have there
Sendtrigger(GetLocalPlayerThing(), 500, -1,-1,-1,-1);

The trigger message in actor_sm:

if(GetSourceRef() == 500)

Make sure that no other trigger uses an ID of 500. -I'm not too sure what the standards are for trigger ids.

Hope that helps you. []

Fiction must be more realistic than truth or no one will believe it.
Author of the JK DataMaster, Parsec, Scribe, and the EditPlus Cog Files.
2001-09-13, 12:04 PM #4
thanks that helps a bunch i only used triggers once other than this so i don't know much about them
roses are red, violets are blue, I am schizophrenic, and I am too!

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