I'm trying to make a parachute attach to player.
^ When I used fireProjectile like that, there was a Checksum Error.
^ When we tried that, it worked but the projectile was at your feet.
^ I think this one works, but its not always facing forward.
So... I think it causes checksum error when I try to attach a Projectile to a Thing. Does it? And is there a way to fix it, or do I have to use CreateThingAtPosNR?
trigger: if (GetSourceRef() == 23) { theguy = GetParam(0); thechute = FireProjectile(theguy, canada, -1, -1, '0.0, 0.0, 0.0', '0 0 0', 0, 0, 0, 0); AttachThingToThingEx(thechute, theguy, 0x8); }
^ When I used fireProjectile like that, there was a Checksum Error.
trigger: if (GetSourceRef() == 23) { theguy = GetParam(0); thechute = CreateThing(canada); AttachThingToThingEx(thechute, theguy, 0x8); }
^ When we tried that, it worked but the projectile was at your feet.
trigger: if (GetSourceRef() == 23) { theguy = GetParam(0); thesector = GetThingSector(theguy); theposition = GetThingPos(theguy); thechute = CreateThingAtPosNR(canada, thesector, theposition, '0 0 0'); AttachThingToThingEx(thechute, theguy, 0x8); }
^ I think this one works, but its not always facing forward.
So... I think it causes checksum error when I try to attach a Projectile to a Thing. Does it? And is there a way to fix it, or do I have to use CreateThingAtPosNR?