Before I go any further, don't tell me this is incomplete. I know, I'm just trying to get ideas as I go through.
All I need to know is if I have the right idea with the use of linkid and GetSenderID...and whether the route I'm going will allow this to work or not. For more info on what I'm talking about, see my "King Of The Hill -- multisector" post on this board.
-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance
symbols sector hill1-1 linkid=1 sector hill1-2 linkid=1 sector hill1-3 linkid=1 sector hill1-4 linkid=1 sector hill1-5 linkid=1 sector hill2-1 linkid-2 sector hill2-2 linkid=2 sector hill2-3 linkid=2 sector hill2-4 linkid=2 sector hill2-5 linkid=2 int current_hill local int team_tint local int old_hill local int lock_capture local # Timers # 6000 = Captured end code Entered: If(lock_caputure == 1) Return; If(GetSenderID() == current_hill) { GetPlayerTeam(GetSourceRef()); SetSectorTint(current_hill, team_tint); lock_capture = 1; SetTimerEx(20, 6000, 0, 0); SetTimerEx(2, 6001, 0, 0); SetPulse(1); Return; } Timer: If(GetSenderID() == 6000) { SetPulse(0); Call captured_hill; Return; } If(GetSenderID() == 6001) { //Check to see if current capturers are still alive & there //Check to see if enemy team is also (reset counter if so?) captured_hill: //add score to team //move the hill old_hill = current_hill; current_hill = Rand() * 5; //Set Hill to current_hill linkid
All I need to know is if I have the right idea with the use of linkid and GetSenderID...and whether the route I'm going will allow this to work or not. For more info on what I'm talking about, see my "King Of The Hill -- multisector" post on this board.
-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance
-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance