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ForumsCog Forum → Using new NON weapon templates in multiplayer
Using new NON weapon templates in multiplayer
2001-09-28, 2:56 PM #1
Well, I made a new weapon projectile, added everything to the static.jkl and created send trigger cogs like usual (I've done this alot) but this is the first time I've had the projectile use an explosion.

Now I can get the explosion to show up and everything (well, I haven't tested it with other people, but I doubt it'd work) and I can't get the sound to play.

Can someone help me fix this?

Thanks alot,
2001-09-30, 10:18 AM #2're using the existing explosion templates in MotS, or JK, no?
Massassi, delivering a million smiles a day. Well...almost. ;-)
2001-09-30, 10:37 AM #3
_weapon	none orient=(0.000000/0.000000/0.000000) type=weapon collide=1 move=physics thingflags=0x20000000 timer=10.000000 mass=5.000000 physflags=0x200 maxrotvel=90.000000 damageclass=0x2 typeflags=0x1 
+whitecloud      none              orient=(0.000000/0.000000/0.000000) type=particle timer=0.200000 typeflags=0x3f material=00gsmoke.mat range=0.020000 rate=128.000000 maxthrust=30.000000 elementsize=0.007000 count=128
+dustcloud       +whitecloud       timer=0.120000 material=dusty.mat range=0.015000 rate=256.000000 maxthrust=80.000000 elementsize=0.010000
_explosion       none              orient=(0.000000/0.000000/0.000000) type=explosion typeflags=0x1 damageclass=0x4
+lgflash         _explosion        thingflags=0x1 light=0.300000 timer=0.400000 typeflags=0x12 blasttime=0.200000 maxlight=1.000000
+conccloud       +dustcloud        rate=512.000000 maxthrust=100.000000 count=256 minsize=0.012000 pitchrange=5.000000
+conc_exp        _explosion        thingflags=0x1 light=0.300000 timer=1.000000 sprite=conx.spr soundclass=exp_conc.snd creatething=+conccloud typeflags=0x17 damage=20.000000 blasttime=1.000000 force=200.000000 maxlight=0.800000 range=0.800000
+sonic      	_weapon           thingflags=0x20000001 model3d=con0.3do size=0.005000 movesize=0.005000 soundclass=conc.snd creatething=+lgflash vel=(0.000000/100.000000/0.000000) explode=+conc_exp fleshhit=+conc_exp damage=0.000000 typeflags=0x20000d

There's my static.jkl templates.


[This message has been edited by TIE_14 (edited September 30, 2001).]

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